Page 18 - Reeftankers - Annexure B Sasfin
P. 18

                                                              MANAGED BY: SASFIN ASSET MANAGERS (PTY) LTD - AUTHORISED FSP 21664
                                                                                   MINIMUM DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT

                                                                                                   31 MARCH 2018

             INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE                                    FUND INFORMATION
         The Sasfin BCI Stable Fund is a cautious managed portfolio with the investment objective   Portfolio Manager:   Errol Shear
         to achieve above real inflation beating total returns by way of delivering relatively high   Launch date:   01 Mar 2013
         income with a measure of capital growth over the medium to long term.   Portfolio Value:   R 227 506 680
                                                                     NAV Price (Fund Inception):   100 cents
             INVESTMENT UNIVERSE                                     NAV Price as at month end:   115.76 cents
                                                                     JSE Code:             SMSFCB
         In order to achieve this objective the investments to be acquired for the portfolio will
         include  listed  property  related  securities,  equity  securities,  preference  shares,  non-   ISIN Number:   ZAE000175733
         equity  securities,  fixed  interest  instruments  (including,  but  not  limited  to,  bonds,   ASISA Category:   SA Multi Asset Low Equity
         corporate bonds, inflation linked bonds, convertible bonds, cash deposits and money   Benchmark:   Average of SA Multi Asset Low
         market instruments) and assets in liquid form. To provide a level of capital protection,   Equity Category

         the portfolio’s equity exposure shall be limited to 40% of the portfolio’s net asset value.   Minimum lump sum:   R 25 000
         The portfolio may from time to time invest in listed and unlisted financial instruments.   Minimum monthly Investment: R 1 000
         The manager may also include unlisted forward currency, interest rate and exchange
         rate swap transactions for efficient portfolio management purposes. This fund complies   Valuation:   Daily
         with Regulation 28.                                         Valuation time:       15:00
                                                                     Transaction time:     14:00

                                                                     Date of Income Declaration:   28 Feb/31 May/31 Aug/30 Nov
             PERFORMANCE (Net of Fees)
                                                                     Date of Income Payment:   2nd day of Mar/Jun/Sep/Dec

           50%                                                       Income Distribution (cpu)

           40%                                                           May-17     Aug-17     Nov-17     Feb-18
          % Cumulative Return   30%                                       2.02       1.93       2.07      1.80
                                                                     Annual Service Fee:
           5%                                                        FEE STRUCTURE         0.37% (Incl. VAT)
           -5%                                                       Initial Advisory Fee (Max):   0.00% (Incl. VAT)
                   03-2014    03-2015   03-2016    03-2017    03-2018   Annual Advice Fee:   0 - 1.15% (if applicable)
                                    Date                             Initial Fee:          0.00% (Incl. VAT)
             Sasfin BCI Stable Fund (B)                              Performance Fee:      None
             Benchmark                                                 *  Total  Expense  Ratio  (TER):  0.58%  (Incl.  VAT)
         Cumulative (%)   1 Year   3 Years   5 Years   10 Years  Since Inception   Performance  fees  incl  in  TER:  0.00%  (Incl.  VAT)
         Fund            10.26    22.19    46.23      -       47.05   Portfolio Transaction Cost:   0.07% (Incl. VAT)
                                                                     Total Investment Charge:
                                                                                           0.65% (Incl. VAT)
         Benchmark        4.83    15.27    39.57      -       41.62
                                                                     RISK PROFILE

         Annualised (%)
         Fund            10.26     6.91    7.90       -        7.87
         Benchmark        4.83     4.85    6.89       -        7.08
         Inception date: 01 Mar 2013
         **      Annualised return is the weighted average compound growth rate over the period measured.

         Highest and lowest calendar year performance since inception   Low - Medium Risk
                                                                     •  This portfolio has relatively low equity exposure, resulting in relatively low
         High            13.15                                         volatility compared to higher risk portfolios.
                                                                     •  Where the asset allocation contained in this MDD reflects offshore
         Low             2.83                                          exposure, the portfolio is exposed to currency risks
                                                                     •  The portfolio is exposed to default and interest rate risks.
                                                                     •  Therefore, it is suitable for medium term investment horizons.
                                                                     •  The expected potential long term investment returns may be lower over
                                                                       the medium to long term than higher risk portfolios.

         2018  0.4   0.2   -0.1   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   0.46
         2017  1.0   0.2   1.9   1.2   0.9   0.0   2.5   0.6   1.4   2.2   0.2   0.5   13.15
         2016  -1.1  -0.2   2.9   0.7   2.6   -1.0  -0.1   0.7   -0.5  -1.6  -0.4   1.0   2.83
         2015  3.7   0.0   0.8   0.9   -1.1  -0.1   2.3   -0.5   0.2   4.0   0.8   -1.8   9.26
         2014  -0.3   0.6   0.9   1.1   1.4   1.4   1.1   0.9   -0.4   1.4   1.9   0.1   10.57
         2013   -   -   0.6   0.1   0.7   -3.2   0.9   -0.3   2.5   1.7   -0.1   1.3   4.13

                                                                                           SASFIN BCI STABLE FUND (B)  | 1 of 2
                                                                                               DATE OF ISSUE: 20 APRIL 2018
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