Page 12 - Rebranding A Brand
P. 12

Do we really waste that much food?
Each year approximately 100 billion pounds of food (almost
3,000 pounds per second) is wasted in the United States. More than $30 billion of food waste occurs within the commercial
food preparation industry (e.g., restaurants, bakeries, food retail, corporate cafeterias) with almost 12 percent of US municipal solid waste being in the form of food scraps.
How does FDC help?
Food Donation Connection, a Tennessee based for-profit corporation, has been assisting food service companies since 1992 with efforts resulting in the donation of more than 164 million pounds of quality surplus food to 3435 agency food banks across the United States. This proven program, with a 20-year history, provides a variety and consistent supply of easily accessible food items for the local food bank agencies. Active participation of more than 115 food service companies equates to over 7300 restaurants that have been trained by FDC staff for preparation and storage of surplus foods, scheduled pickup strategies, tax savings calculations, and program expansion options.
While the food service industry is well informed of this service through endorsements and support from the National Restaurant Association, the consumer is typically unaware of the avenue
this corporation provides for getting quality food to hungry people. With an established relationship between FDC and their current participating clients, a program can easily be developed to provide awareness that offers a unique opportunity for consumer involvement with the community in positive and humanitarian services to people, as well as the environment.
Why a rebranding?
In addition to rebranding the current image of Food Donation Connection, this paper will also show how to provide a sub- brand to the consumer for awareness of, and the opportunity
for, participation in donating surplus foods. Food Donation Connection’s (FDC) existing distribution network for this surplus food will be instrumental to proving that consumer effort for participation will be minimal. The consumer will recognize that participation will be a significant contribution to increasing the amounts of acceptable surplus foods for donation via FDC. The increase in donations to the food banks will provide more meals to hunger-relief agencies, develop community pride with mankind- to-mankind responsibility, and reduce the number of truckloads to landfills that are filled with wasted edible food items.
  $30 Billion of commercial foods thrown away each year!

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