Page 13 - Rebranding A Brand
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A for-profit company
An alternative solution to the typical discarding of wholesome surplus food that finds its way to landfills, FDC does not compete with non-profits for its funding, but instead receives from the participating donor restaurant a percentage of the tax benefit realized. In return for this small fee, FDC coordinates
all requirements of the donor program that include linking the donor food service company to local food rescue groups, on- site staff training for proper FDA food handling standards, tax valuation records, donation reporting and monitoring, and follow up implementation to maintain successful and easily manageable operations within the program.
Educating the consumer
With trained FDC personnel assigned to and monitoring a donor restaurant’s progress, enhancing the program to invite the consumer to participate should provide added benefit
to the restaurant in the form of increased customer business. This consumer participant provides a revenue stream that
goes directly to the bottom line of the food service company’s balance sheet. FDC may choose to include an additional surcharge for this optional service, which also increases FDC revenue. Restaurant wait staff will explain the Food Donation Connection program to the consumer and how the restaurant participates in supporting the hunger-relief agencies in the area. The consumer is offered to participate by donating one-half of their meal order to the program.
The consumer can make a difference too
Before the ordered meal is brought to the table, it will be prepared as usual and one-half will be frozen and stored for delivery with the other surplus food from the restaurant. The consumer receives his one-half portion meal and enjoys the dining experience of great food, along with the knowledge
of participating in community involvement by helping to feed the hungry. Billing for the meal will include the full price of
the meal ordered with a receipt for one-half of the meal cost being a tax deduction for the consumer and his contribution to the FDC program. But what will be the motive for diners to participate? The campaign BEHIND the MENU is designed to engage diners and explained in greater detail in the Strategy Section of this project.
No one can question that hunger has invaded the United States at an alarming rate. To see food wasted and thrown away in the food preparation industry is a frustrating fact of business that restaurant owners want to change. Although the consumer also has a heart to help in supporting community efforts, most are not open to personal involvement at the food bank level. Food Donation Connection has already provided the solution to the business owner. With a business model that includes the consumer through BEHIND the MENU,
Food Donation Connection will see an increased business of new client restaurants that
want to offer a dining experience,
which is more than just about
eating! FDC can help to change the way we eat out in the future
- from our habitual approach to excessive food consumption to our willingness of sharing and
the opportunity of knowing our participation will make a difference in winning the fight against hunger.
  FDC can help to change the way we eat out in the future!

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