Page 15 - Rebranding A Brand
P. 15

Reduces food waste to landfills that will help to protect our natural re- sources and environment.
Provides an avenue for consumers to seek participating FDC venues where they can support the business efforts of FDC clients and feel a part of the community involvement that helps to feed the hungry.
While there are numerous non-profit organizations that help to donate food to food banks, FDC provides a pro- gram that includes linking donor loca- tions with food rescue groups, training in the quality and handling standards of the donated food items, tax valuation and record keeping, donation reporting and ongoing monitoring and follow-up for program growth and success. In addition, the sub brand will be the only way a consumer can donate surplus food while in a dining or food retail ex- perience. By offering 1/2 of their meal (or purchase of an extra meal) when
it is ordered and BEFORE it is served, the consumer can be rewarded with the knowledge of helping feed hungry people in their community..
Encourage consumers to purchase from FDC member clients and sup- port the vision to end community hunger, The consumer’s desire will push potential clients toward FDC
to become participating members to please their customers and give them an opportunity to participate also.
  The consumer can be rewarded with the knowledge of helping feed hungry people

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