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                                                                                                                episode 1


                                     beers brewed here are pale lagers, there are some
                                                                special es  worth  men oning.  Take  Wildshut,  for
                                                                example: On this small estate north of the city of
               THINGS TO DO WHEN YOU LIKE beer...               Salzburg,  they  grow  old  varie es  of  barley,  spelt,
                                                                emmer,  and  Einkorn  –  grains  that  the  Sumerians
                         S egl Brauwelt (Tours, Museum, ..)     already cul vated. The brewmasters from the large
                                       S egl brewery in Salzburg operate a small mal ng in
                                                                Wildshut where they can produce small batches of
                         Beer Trail Salzburg                    malt. They brew a strong mash from that malt and
                                     ferment it in large amphoras called „Qvevri“ from
                                                                Georgia.  They  claim  that  their  recipe  and,  in  fact,
                         S egl-Gut Wildshut                     their  brewing  and  fermenta on  method  is  as
              Wildshut 8                                        authen c as it gets if you want to revive a beer that
                                        was  last  brewed  some  5,000  years  ago  in
                                                                Mesopotamia – and some of the ingredients really
                                                                sound  exo c.  And  this  historic  brew  really  tastes
               austria and beer                                 different from what you get when you order a beer at

              Many  people  consider  Austria  a  wine-drinking   your local bar – it is wine-like, has some tartness, and
              country, and there are indeed great wines produced   a unique sour frui ness. Too strange for you? Then
              in  Austria’s  wine-growing  regions.  But  the  beer   try one of the lagers or hefeweizens that you can buy
              consump on  (and  even  the  beer  export)  is  much   in any restaurant, and then make a slow approach to
              bigger than that of wine. More than 300 breweries   the more adventurous examples of cra  beer found
              offer a broad spectrum of styles – and while most   here.
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