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                                                                                                                episode 1


                              it,  "Huangjiu"  which  literally  translates  as  "Yellow
                                                                Wine". But despite its name, it has all the a ributes
                                                                of a beer: The base ingredient is a cereal grain, which
               THINGS TO DO WHEN YOU LIKE culture...            means: the seed of grass. But unlike in western beer,
                                                                that  grass  is  rice  instead  of  barley.  The  starch
                         Zhujiajiao Ancient Town
                                                                contained  in  these  grains  has  to  be  converted  to
                                                                sugar if you want to make an alcoholic beverage out
                         Jinfeng Wine Museum
              Huancheng Rd, Fengjing Town, Jinshan District     of it. Unlike in western breweries where the grain is
              (Rice-wine)                                       malted, the Chinese use microbes to convert starch
                                                                to sugar: Huangjiu is brewed by mixing boiled grains
                                                                with  Qū  as  a  starter  culture,  followed  by
               china and beer                                   saccharifica on and fermenta on at around 13-18
              There are two facts about the Chinese beer culture   °C. That Qū is a complex mixture of various molds
              that are not obvious to western visitors. First of all,   known as Aspergillus, yeasts, and bacteria that slowly
              China is the largest beer market in the world. But we   transform the boiled rice into a wine-like beer with
              hardly know the best-selling brand: Snow from China   no apparent CO2 content, no foam, and hardly any
              Resources brewing from Shenyang, which is also the   bi erness but lots of aromas and typically also lots of
              best-selling beer in the world. But there is an even   alcohol.  Of  course, you  do  not  want  to  drink  that
              more astonishing fact from China's beer world: China   Yellow Wine in large quan  es. It is safer to enjoy
              has  the  longest  tradi on  of  brewing  a  beer  style,   China's most prominent lager beer brand Tsingtao – a
              more or less unchanged over almost nine thousand   beer brewed in German tradi on – or one of the local
              years. It gets even more obscure if you consider the   cra  beers that are ge ng more and more popular in
              name of that style: "Rice Wine" or, as the Chinese call   recent years.
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