Page 36 - PowerE-L03-B
P. 36

Lesson  9



                                                         I sometimes get sick when it’s really
                                                         cold in Korea.

                                                         The doctor said that my body was not

                                                         used to the cold weather.
                                                         I always have cold, flu, and fever during

                                                         the winter.
                                                         I eat lots of oranges when I catch a cold.


                                                                                           sick / used to /
                     Grammar                                                            weather / catch / take

               *Reported speech: When we use reported speech, the main verb
                                          of the sentence is usually past. The rest of the
                                          sentence is usually past, too.

                       ►   Judy said that her parents were doing very well.
                       ►   She said that she couldn’t come to the party on Friday.


               1. When do you usually catch a cold?
               2. What do you do to get better when you catch a cold?
               3. How often do you have a check-up?
               4. How do you keep your body healthy?
               5. When was the last time you went to the hospital?
                                                                                         Vocabulary &

                     Sample Answers                                                       Expressions

                                                                                   reported speech: The style
               1. I usually catch a cold whenever the season                       of speech or writing used
                 changes.                                                          to report what someone
               2. I drink warm water and tea a lot and take a rest                 says without repeating their
                                                                                   actual words
                 at home.                                                          get better: To recover from
               3. I have a check-up once a year.                                   an illness
                                                                                   check-up: A general
               4. I try to exercise regularly.                                     medical examination that a
               5. I went to the hospital 2 months ago because of                   doctor gives you to make
                 severe headache.                                                  sure you are healthy

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