Page 44 - PowerE-L03-B
P. 44

Lesson  11



                                                       James went to the mountain with his peers.
                                                       He said that most of his peers liked fresh air

                                                       on the peak.
                                                       He and his friends were really excited to

                                                       climb the mountain.
                                                       On the top of the mountain, they had difficulty

                                                       finding a place to rest.


                                                                                         peers / most / fresh
                                                                                         air / excited / climb /
                     Grammar                                                                  difficulty

               *have difficulty + ~ing / have difficulty (not ‘have difficulties’)
                       ►   I have difficulty getting a visa.
                       ►   Jane has difficulty remembering people’s names.
                       ►   She had no difficulty getting a job.


               1. Do you like mountain climbing? If so, why do you like it?
               2. How often do you go to the mountains?
               3. Why do you think people like to climb the mountains?
               4. What do people do when they go mountain climbing?
               5. Are there many mountains in your country?

                                                                                         Vocabulary &
                     Sample Answers                                                        Expressions

               1. Yes, I like mountain climbing because it’s good                   peer: Someone of the same

                 for the health.                                                    age, social class, etc. as
               2. I go to the mountains once or twice a month                       peak: The sharply pointed
                 with my family.                                                    top of a mountain
                                                                                    excited: Happy, interested
               3. People like going to the mountains to get fresh air.              or hopeful because some-
               4. They sometimes sing songs on the top of the                       thing good has happened or
                 mountain and some of them do simple exercises.                     will happen
                                                                                    climb: To move up, down or
               5. Of course, we can see mountains anywhere                          across something, especial-
                 in Korea.                                                          ly something tall or steep

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