Page 52 - PowerE-L03-B
P. 52

Lesson  13



                                                           Everybody carries a mobile phone as well
                                                           as a computer.

                                                           We  can  communicate  with  each  other  for
                                                           24 hours a day through the Internet.

                                                           I prefer using an e-mail to writing a letter.

                                                           The  more  technology  develops,  the  more
                                                           people miss personal touch.


                                                                                     as well as / communicate
                     Grammar                                                          with / prefer / The more

               *A as well as B = not only B, but also A
                       ►   She has a car as well as a motorbike.
                           (= She has not only a motorbike, but also a car.)

                       ►   He’s clever as well as good-looking.
                           (= He’s not only good-looking, but also clever.)


               1. What kind of information do you get from the Internet?
               2. How much do you use your mobile phone a day?
               3. Which do you prefer, writing a letter or just calling up? Why?
               4. How long do you use the Internet a day?

               5. How long have you been using a mobile phone?                           Vocabulary &

                     Sample Answers                                                mobile phone: A telephone
                                                                                   that you can carry with you
               1. I get lots of information from the Internet, but                 and use in any place

                 mostly I use it for traveling information.                        (= cellular phone, cell-phone)
                                                                                   approximate: An approxi-
               2. I think I use it for approximately 2 hours a day.                mate number, amount or time
               3. I prefer calling because it’s more convenient.                   is a little bit more or less than
                                                                                   the exact number, amount,etc.
               4. I use the Internet for about 3 hours a day mainly                convenient: Helpful for you
                 in the office.                                                    because it saves you time or
               5. I’ve been using it since 1997.                                   does not spoil your plans or
                                                                                   cause you problems

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