Page 76 - PowerE-L03-B
P. 76

Lesson  19



                                                         Generally, women more like to go shopping.

                                                         Some products come with warranties.
                                                         We can’t get a refund without the receipt.

                                                         I’m  going  to  the  shops  to  get  myself  some
                                                         soccer shoes.


                                                                                        Generally / come with /
                                                                                           refund / receipt /
                     Grammar                                                                    myself

               *Reflexive pronouns : myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, oneself,
                       ourselves, yourselves, themselves
                       A common use of reflexive pronouns is to talk about actions where the
                       subject and object are the same person.
                              ►   I cut myself shaving this morning. (NOT I cut me…)
                              ►   We got out of water and dried ourselves. (NOT …dried us.)


               1. Do you like to go shopping? Why or why not?

               2. How often do you go shopping?
               3. What do you usually buy when shopping?
               4. Who do you go shopping with?                                           Vocabulary &
               5. Is there something you want to buy?                                     Expressions
                 If so, what is it?
                                                                                   warranty: A written promise
                                                                                   that a company makes to
                     Sample Answers                                                replace or fix a product if it
                                                                                   breaks or does not work
               1. Of course, I do. Because it always makes me                      properly
                 excited.                                                          refund: A sum of money
                                                                                   that is given back to you
               2. I go shopping about twice a month.                               reflexive: A reflexive
               3. I usually buy some clothes and cosmetics for                     pronoun shows that the
                                                                                   action in a sentence affects
                 myself.                                                           the person or thing that
               4. I go shopping with my friends mostly.                            does the action
               5. I want to buy new MP3 player.

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