Page 85 - PowerE-L03-B
P. 85

Lesson 7                                        Lesson 10
                  Vocabulary     p.27                             Vocabulary     p.39
                     1. B. went out                                  1. ALTHOUGH
                     2. C. drank                                     2. RELATIVE
                     3. A. got drunk                                 3. BARBECUE
                     4. C. hangover                                  4. B. two times
                     5. A. light                                     5. A. get-together
                  Grammar     p.27                                Grammar     p.39
                     1. D. tomorrow  (the adverb does not compliment the verb tense)       1. C. visited (Use the past tense {visited} for action that already took place.)
                     2. C. for (Use ‘for’ to indicate)               2. D. the (Use an indefinite article {a} for non-particular nouns)
                     3. B. gets (Use ‘get’ {plural form} for two or more subjects connected by “and”.)       3. B. has (Use a plural verb {have} for two or more subjects connected with “and”)
                     4. B. got (Use the base form of a verb when using the the auxiliary “do/did”)       4. A. However (Use the correct conjunction {although} should mean “in spite of” or
                     5. C. and (Use ‘or’ when using ‘either’)           “even though”)
                                                                     5. A. me (Use the subjective case {I} of the pronoun.)
                  Exercises     p.28
                     1. Yes, I drink occasionally                 Exercises     p.40
                     2. I usually go out with my friends.            1. I see them twice a year.
                     3. I usually drink soju.                        2. I attend parties like birthdays.
                     4. I will go to the bar tonight.                3. Of course, I enjoy a party.
                     5. No, did not enjoy drinking.                  4. B. We have a reunion every December.
                                                                     5. B. It snowed a lot but they still went out.
                  Reading Comprehension     p.29
                     1. B. He went out.                           Reading Comprehension     p.41
                     2. D. his friends                               1. D. her relatives
                     3. A. beer                                      2. A. last weekend
                     4. B. They went home when they were drunk.       3. B. barbecue party
                     5. A. They had a hangover.                      4. A. It rained a lot.
                                                                     5. B. Yes
                Lesson 8                                        Lesson 11
                  Vocabulary     p.31                             Vocabulary     p.43
                     1. MAMMALS                                      1. C (peak - the top of the mountain)
                     2. CHOWCHOW                                     2. E (difficulty - trouble or something that is not easily done)
                     3. BALL                                         3. A (fresh - recently made, produced, or harvested)
                     4. LABRADOR                                     4. D (excited - thrilled or psyched)
                     5. REPTILE                                      5. B (peers - friends)
                  Grammar     p.31                                Grammar     p.43
                     1. examples (the subject talks of more than one animal)       1. C (The possessive pronoun used for males is “his.” The subject used was
                     2. is (the subject is singular)                      James, which is a name for males.)
                     3. a (use the article “a” for nouns that start with a consonant sound a- use the       2. A (“On” is used to indicate the position above and supported by or in contact with
                           article “a” for nouns that start with a consonant sound)            or to indicate a location at or along. “In” means inside, and “under” means
                     4. with (add a preposition because ‘play’ is not a transitive verb)          beneath.)
                     5. his (possesive pronouns should represent the gender of their antecedent)       3. B (Your subject should agree with your verb. You used a plural subject, James
                                                                         and I, so your verb must be for plural subjects. Also, because the time modifier
                  Exercises     p.32                                     “last year” was used, please use the verb in the past tense.)
                     1. A. It would be nice if I had a Dalmatian.       4. B (“He” is a pronoun used for males. James is a male.)
                     2. C. I like a Chowchow                         5. A (The verb used was “are,” which means that your subject must be plural. The
                     3. C. I hate reptiles.                               only plural noun in the choices is “friends.”)
                     4. B. I prefer a Labrador.
                     5. B. I have a dog and a cat as pets         Exercises     p.44
                                                                     1. I like to climb high mountains.
                  Reading Comprehension     p.33                     2. They like the fresh air.
                     1. B. the narrator’s brother                    3. I had trouble looking for a resting place.
                     2. D Chowchow                                   4. My friends and I went to the mountain.
                     3. C. He takes the dog for a walk.              5. They climbed the peak.
                     4. A. ball
                     5. A. a Labrador                             Reading Comprehension     p.45
                                                                     1. B.
                Lesson 9                                               2. C.
                                                                    3. B.
                  Vocabulary     p.35                                4. B.
                     1. WEATHER                                      5. A.
                     2. DOCTOR
                     3. WINTER                                  Lesson 12
                     4. B. recover
                     5. B. sensitive                              Vocabulary     p.47
                                                                     1. B (pleasant means nice)
                                                                     2. A (consists means made up of or composed of.)
                  Grammar     p.35                                   3. A (busy means occupied or engaged in much activity.)
                     1. A. in                                        4. C (skip means to miss or to pass over.)
                     2. C. when                                      5. A (often means frequently or most of the time. Always means all the time.)
                     3. C. and
                     4. A. said
                     5. C. coldest                                Grammar     p.47
                                                                     1. do (For simple present tenses, use S in your verb when you have a singular
                  Exercises     p.36                                 2. eats (Regarding simple present tenses, we never use S in the verbs when we
                     1. C. I usually get sick in winter.                 are using the pronoun “I”.)
                     2. B. I usually have a headache.                3. his (“His” is a possessive pronoun for males. For this sentence, you need a
                     3. A. I usually eat hot soup to feel better.            subject pronoun, which is “he,” a subject pronoun for males.)
                     4. I visited the hospital last month.           4. much (“Much” is only used for uncountable nouns. “People” are countable, so
                     5. I eat a balanced diet.                           “many” would be the more appropriate adjective for it.)
                                                                     5. less (When we eat a lot, we gain a lot of weight.)
                  Reading Comprehension     p.37
                     1. C. when it’s really cold                  Exercises     p.48
                     2. B. the doctor                                1. B (When we lose weight, we become lighter.)
                     3. A. The narrator’s body was not used to the cold weather.       2. A (Eating may also mean having food.)
                     4. D. all of the above                          3. A (Having dinner may also mean eating dinner. “Supper” means dinner.)
                     5. D. He eats many oranges.                     4. B (To answer the question with an affirmative, use the verb used in the question,
                                                                         which is “have” and the word “yes.”)
                                                                     5. A (“Favorite” means the one that is liked most or preferred.)

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