Page 15 - RSC Club Handbook 2019
P. 15

We’ve got some TROJAN items together,

                       so you can all look great down at the Club.

                         There’s a Baseball Cap and a cool T-shirt

                    (or maybe you’ll want to have both of them!)

                          Dry land practice, hence no PFDs

          You can place your order                       For more information, please contact
           on the website, by going                                         Louise Bond

              to the Trojan section                

                                                               or call her on 07970 667938

                     How you can keep in touch with what is going on

          If  you  would  like  to  receive  further  information  about  these  sessions  please  reply  to
 and we will add you to the Trojans mailing list.

                                            You can sign up for the Trojan WhatsApp group at

            You can also keep up to date on
                  the web site at

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