Page 35 - RSC Club Handbook 2019
P. 35

Boat List

                             Sail      RSC ID
               Class                                   Boat Name                           Owner
                           Number     Number
           Mirror                       1160                                 Chris        Ford
           Mirror                       1098                                 Louise       Bond
           Pico                         1033                                 David        Hurst
           RS Aero           2070       1020                                 Jamie        Webb
           RS Aero           1891       1031                                 Paul         Hills
           RS Vision 820                1082      Johns Vision               John         Ashton
           Sail board        7896       1139                                 Neil         Turner
           Solo              1813       1030      Bakers Overture            Peter        Tobin
           Solo              2796       1032                                 Sue          Davies
           Solo              2185       1034                                 Judith       Young
           Solo              3664       1134      Little Wing                Vanessa      Lawrence
           Solo              3683       1148                                 Peter        Tobin
           Solo              3873       1033                                 Vikki        Ashton
           Solo              3971       1024      Appleturnover              John         Thomson
           Solo              4172       1125      Gwaihir                    Alan         Richards
           Solo              4190       1095                                 Paul         Johnson
           Supernova          657       1026                                 Richard      Foyle
           Topaz              116       1046                                 Naomi        Woodstock
           Topper Buzz        767       1011                                 Leszek       Marcinowicz
           Vortex            2014       1025                                 Jonathan     Carter
           Wanderer          1001       1002      Halcyon Days               Errol        Baker

                                                      Club Boats
                         Members must ask the OOD’s permission to use a Club dinghy or a Kayak.
                   The Boat Hire Book which is kept behind the bar should be completed and the fee paid.

                             Sail       RSC ID         Name or
                           Number      Number        Description
           Comet Versa         291       C01

           Kayak                          C03      Grey
           Kayak                          C04      Grey

           Laser                          C05
                                                                                   Club Dinghy
           Laser                          C06
                                                                                      Hire Fees
           Laser 2000        21349        C07

           Optimist                       C08      Pirahna                           per session
           Optimist                       C09      Scorpion
                                                                             Double handed dinghy - £10
           Pico                           C12                                 Single handed dinghy - £5

           Pico                           C14                                     Kayaks - No charge
           Solo               4122        C15      Swan Encore
                                                                         Please be sure to sign the Boat Hire Book
           Topper                         C16                            behind the bar so that we have a record
           Wayfarer                       C17                                of the usage and gear problems.
                                                                         This also includes a declaration which is
           Wayfarer          10903        C18
                                                                             required for insurance purposes
           Wanderer           1691        C19
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