Page 33 - Microsoft Word - RYA Guidance - Misconduct a Reference for Race Officials (ex covers) - 01 13 v2.docx
P. 33

Ignoring abuse or bad language means competitors see the conduct as
                              acceptable and it may be repeated in future, diminishing the authority of race
                              officials in general and potentially discouraging volunteers from agreeing to
                              serve as race officials.

                       Race Management Teams

                       D.22  Most members of the  race management team are in close proximity to
                              competitors as they carry out their tasks. Sometimes dissent occurs  which
                              can lead to unfortunate incidents, especially in the heat of the moment.

                       D.23  It is wise not to be drawn into debate or argument on the water but it is
                              recommended in the ISAF & RYA Race Management Manuals for the race
                              officer (and other members of the race management team, if appropriate) to
                              make themselves available ashore each day to listen to the competitors and
                              explain (or apologise!) for their actions.  The time and place for this should be
                              given in the briefing or on the official notice board.
                       D.24  However, race management team members do not have to tolerate any form
                              of abuse and, if something that has been said to them is clearly insulting, they
                              should speak to the race officer whose job it is to speak to the competitor and
                              decide whether to protest the competitor under rule 2 or make a rule 69 report
                              to the Protest Committee/Jury.

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