Page 32 - Judge Manual 2017
P. 32
In other systems, judges simply signal that they saw a breach of a rule to
indicate their expectation that a boat or boats take a penalty. Typically, this
system involves blowing a whistle, but no identification of a boat. Yet in other
systems, the judges are given the authority to penalize the boat they consider
broke a rule. The boat’s failure to take the penalty would then result in a DSQ
without a hearing. A careful study of the SIs at each event will advise the judges
of the system they will be using.
F.2.2 Additions to the Notice of Race and the SIs
F.2.2.1 Notice of Race
The notice of race must state that on-the-water judging may or will be used
in the regatta.
Example 1 Notice of Race
“On-the-water judging in accordance with SI X.X may be used. The
procedure and penalties will be detailed in the SIs.”
Some OAs may want to include the exact same language in the notice of
race that will be used in the SIs.
F.2.2.2 Sailing Instructions
A specific section must be added to the SIs to inform the competitors that
on-the-water judging will be used. The procedure must be in a separate
numbered paragraph that clearly states how the competitors will be informed
that a rule has been broken and what actions the competitors are expected
to take. Here are some examples that have been inserted into SIs at various
Example A
SI.XX.1 On-the-water judging will be applied for the rules of Part 2 and rule
31. Judges who are members of the protest committee will blow a
whistle when they observe a breach of a rule, and they expect one
or more boats to take a penalty. The judges must insure that they
are close to the infringing boat when the penalty is signaled. If the
incident results in a protest hearing, the judges may provide
testimony as a witness.
Example B
SI.XX.1 In addition to rule 42 infringements, members of the protest
committee will be on the water to observe racing. To indicate that a
judge has seen a breach of a rule of Part 2 or rule 31, the judge will
make one sound signal but no sail number will be hailed. This
means that the judges have seen a situation which may be
protested and one or more competitors should take a penalty or
retire. If no boat takes a penalty under rule 44.1, the judges may