Page 6 - RSC Club Rules Amended November AGM 2017
P. 6

10.3   Any Member wishing  to  keep  a  boat  at  the  Club  shall  apply  for  consent to the  Committee to  do  so, by
               application  to the Hon. Membership Secretary.  The  Committee shall  have complete  discretion  in  giving,
               withholding or withdrawing such consent.
        10.3.1 A boat berth fee determined from time to time in a General Meeting shall be paid annually in advance in
               addition to the member’s individual subscription.
        10.4   When consent for keeping a boat at the Club is given by the Committee, such consent is personal to that
               particular member and is not transferable to another member on the sale of that boat.
        10.5   A member ceasing to keep a boat at the Club, or exchanging one boat for another shall inform the Hon.
               Membership Secretary and the Register of Members shall be amended accordingly.
        10.6   When a boat is jointly owned it shall be deemed to be kept at the Club by one of its joint owners only, who
               shall be so nominated in the application for consent.

        11.0 OFFICERS and COMMITTEE
        11.1   The Officers of the Club, in order of seniority, shall consist of:
                     The Commodore         )
                     Vice Commodore        )  all of whom are Flag Officers
                     Rear Commodore        )
                     Hon. Secretary
                     Hon. Treasurer
                     Hon. Sailing Secretary
                     Hon. Membership Secretary.
        11.2   The Committee shall consist of the Officers and up to nine other adult members of the Club.
        11.2.3 The  Committee  may  appoint  an  Assistant Hon. Secretary  who  may,  if  not  an  elected  member  of  the
               Committee, attend committee meetings.
        11.2.4 The  Committee  may  appoint  a  Health  and  Safety  Officer  who  may,  if  not  an  elected  member  of  the
               Committee, attend committee meetings.
        11.3   The Officers and Committee members shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting and nominations for
               election shall be in writing delivered to the Hon. Secretary seven clear days before the meeting. If however
               no nomination for a vacancy has been received by the Hon. Secretary by the due date, nominations may be
               called for by the Chairman at an Annual General Meeting. If for the election to an Office only one candidate,
               or  for  election  to  the  Committee  no  more  candidates  than  will  fill  the  vacancies  be  duly  proposed  and
               seconded, then he or she shall forthwith be declared elected by the Chairman, otherwise elections shall be
               by ballot. In an election for members of the Committee a person voting shall cast votes equal to the total
               number of Committee members to be elected casting only one vote for each vacancy. Any ballot papers with
               more or fewer votes than the number of vacancies shall be disregarded.
        11.4   Elections to an office shall be for a period of:
                     Commodore             - two years
                     Vice Commodore        - two years
                     Rear Commodore        - no more than four years
                     Other Officers        - three years
                     Committee Members     - three years
               unless the General Meeting shall have resolved immediately prior to making any election that it shall  be  for
               a lesser period. After the Commodore has held office for two consecutive years he shall not be eligible for
               election as a Flag Officer within two years nor shall the Vice Commodore be eligible for re-election as vice or
               rear commodore, nor is the Rear Commodore eligible for re-election to the same post without a break of at
               least one year. A Committee Member who has been elected as such for three years shall not be eligible for
               re-election as a normal committee member without a break of at least one year.
        11.5   A  casual  vacancy  amongst  the  Officers  or  Committee  may  be  filled  by  the  remaining  members  of  the
               Committee in any way it thinks fit from the membership, notwithstanding the provisions of rule 11.4, until
               the next Annual General Meeting. The period thus served shall not be counted as required by rule 11.4.

        RSC Club Rules March 2017 Amended November 2017                                                    Page 6
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