Page 43 - Misconduct a Reference for Race Officials
P. 43
In January 2016 World Sailing published a significant update to the Offshore Special
Regulations (OSR). These have replaced the previous Category 6, Small Boat Safety
Regulations, with two new appendices to the 2016 to 2017 Offshore Special Regulations,
Appendix B Special Regulations for Inshore Racing
Appendix C Special Regulations for Inshore Dinghy Racing
The appendices (current at 31 July 2016) are appended to this guidance note. The latest
OSR, or these appendices individually, can be downloaded at
These appendices provide safety regulations for the type of racing stated in the opening
paragraphs of the appendices. They will apply only when included in the notice of race for an
event or, occasionally, in the sailing instructions or the Class Rules of a competing class.
Race organisers are recommended to review the relevant regulations as part of the risk
assessment for the event and decide whether some or all clauses should apply. Organising
Authorities are free to amend the regulations by either addition or deletion but are
recommended to consider carefully before any deletion.
In the case of appendix C for dinghy racing, many dinghy class rules include safety
requirements and, as stated in the regulation, these override any corresponding part of the
appendix. Thus Appendix C is rarely used and, when it is, it will nearly always need tailoring
to suit the particular circumstances of the event.
Competitors should be aware that the regulations may be invoked for events for all sizes of
dinghy, from an Optimist upwards, and for day racing and similar keelboats.
December 2016 41