Page 60 - CASA Bulletin of Anesthesiology 2019 Issue 1
P. 60
CASA Bulletin of Anesthesiology
😝 想起我当 intern 时在麻醉科轮转一个月。天天跟着 attending 和 residents 看手术。 同期的一哥们有一天对我说:最怕 attending 或 resident 让我到 workroom 拿什么东西, 口中念念有词重复着不知的东西,一出门碰见另一人一打岔就忘了,只好再回去问让拿 的什么东东?他说老美看他的眼神他永远也忘不了。(Ning Miao)
😝 我在美国医院里做 intern 那年,第一次在 ICU 协助一个 fellow 做深静脉。那个 fellow 伸出手来要 4 by 4。 我一脸疑惑,心里嘀咕“What the hell is that?” 好在 我的同学过来给我解了围,估计那个 fellow 以为这个傻大姐从哪个星球来的呢。 第二 年我开始做麻醉,插完管我的 attending 表扬我“Very good Dr . Chen . . . .Christmas tree please . “ 我傻乎乎的重复了一遍“ Christmas tree? ” attending 自己把 circuit 架上, 说“This is Christmas tree” (Wen Chen )
😝 记得我第一年做麻醉住院医师,一天我做术后病人回访。有个女病人对我说, 我别的一切都好,只是腿有点痛。She said:“I am pretty good . No sore throat
or nausea . But my right leg hurts a little . May be because I am double
jointed .” 我听到 “double jointed”,心里不禁一怔,想到难道她除了髋关节膝关节, 还多了一个关节吗?我倒真想见识见识。于是乎我写了一个医嘱,要求做个髋到膝关节 的平片。并叮嘱病人,好好休息,过两三个小时,我再回来看看她。谁知三个小时以后, 病人的片子还没有拍成,这时病人才跟我解释“double jointed” 是指关节活动范围大 比较灵活而已,绝不是什么有一个额外的关节存在。随后我也放下心来取消了那个 X 光 的医嘱。 (Kris Tao)
😤Dr. XX, a FMG (Foreign Medical Graduate) worked in a US hospital and heard overhead: "Dr. XX, I. C. U. ! Dr, XX, I.C.U.!" He was wondering what was a matter of "I see you!". (LQ Hu )
😝Many years ago, One morning first GYN ( 妇科 ) case, I needed to talk to the gynecologist about patient’s condition before I started the case. I was looking for the surgeon and bumped him in hallway with other RNs.
I was in hurry to avoid starting case late and blurted
out " Dr. Norman, I am your anesthesiologist ." instead of saying "I am your patient’s anesthesiologist." He replied quickly, "I am your gynecologist ". Everyone had a big laugh. (David Tang )