Page 4 - CASA Bulletin of Anesthesiology 2019 Vol 6 No 5
P. 4
CASA Bulletin of Anesthesiology
主编之言 Dear Anesthesiologist colleagues and friends, I am very honored
to accept the CASA Award on behalf of CASA Bulletin Editorial Board .
迈进一步 ONE STEP I'd like to thank the CASA readers for their support, from the bottom of
my heart .
MOVING FORWARD Life has priority. The film "Godfather" tells what a fulfilling life
should be, the first step is to strive to achieve self-worth, the second step
张均奎 Jack Zhang is to take care of the family, the third step is to help the good people as
much as possible, the fourth step is to speak for the community, the fifth
step is to work in order to honor the country . This may be the outlook
尊敬的麻醉同仁和朋友们,非常荣幸,CASA期刊编辑们在10 月
on life and the hierarchy that some ones like to achieve; Just opposite,
份召开的CASA年会上得到“最佳服务奖“。感谢CASA期刊读者们支持 some may be happy to see their outlook after the five-step orders are
和鼓励。 totally reversed .
Life goes to different levels . The psychologist Abraham
人生有重点和顺序。电影《教父》讲的人生观是,第一步要努力 Maslow believed that individuals have five different levels of needs:
实现自我价值,第二步要全力照顾好家人,第三步要尽可能帮助善良的 physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness and love needs, self-
esteem and self-actualization, and subsequent levels of transcendence .
His hierarchy of life encompasses the continuous advancement of
人生观和阶梯层次;当然,也有人乐见上面五步顺序颠倒后的人生观。 material and spiritual needs .
人生境界有层次。马斯洛认为个人潜藏着五种不同层次的需要: My middle-aged anesthesia fellows, no matter what status we are
in, we are standing on the summit of life, perhaps with a successful
career, satisfacotry child-raising, a lovely family, and prosperity . Or
自我的层次。他的人生层次观包含了物质和精神需求的不断递进。学富 on the other hand, some of us may be facing adversity, middle-aged
五车人到中年的麻醉同仁们,不论我们处在何种状态,大都堪称人生巅 confusion, mentally stressed and physically exhausted, fading fame and
less amount of wealth . There is no way to satisfy completely either with
峰:也许事业有成、子女成器、家庭和睦、财源茂盛;或许中年困惑、 an abundant amount of money and hedonism or with profound learning,
心力交瘁、名利消褪。金钱财富没有办法叫人满足,学富五车没有办法 great talent, and professional achievements . Our life has been at
different stages and in various levels . How can we move forward next?
The CASA Journal is a bi-monthly publication, organized by a
足,下一步如何迈进? group of enthusiastic Chinese American anesthesiologists . She shares
CASA期刊编辑同仁们有很好的答案!CASA期刊是由一群热情的 our academic, clinical and daily life with global counterparts . The full-
time anesthesiologists are devotedly responsible for the compilation and
review of the submitted manuscripts with spare time . In the past year,
麻醉医生,全职麻醉医生承担业余的组稿编审工作。近一年的期刊出版 all issues of the Bulletin have been enriched, with distinctive themes
充分表明,组稿编辑人人兢兢业业、勤勤恳恳、踏踏实实。期刊内容充 and novel layouts . The contents have paced with the advancement of
current anesthesia, leading to discussion and debate on hot topics in the
实、主题特色鲜明、编排新颖。期刊紧跟麻醉学科发展方向,引领麻醉 field of anesthesia.
领域的热点话题。。。 What is so touching is we have the core editors of the Bulletin,
Dr . Liguang Huang, Dr . Grace Liu , Dr . Xiaoyan Zhang, and Dr . Shan
Zhang .We were almost completely strange to each other . But with
医生和张珊医生,我们几乎素未谋面,但凭着一颗真诚和谦卑的心,为 a sincere and humble heart, in order to serve CASA and the global
CASA、全球麻醉医生尤其是华人麻醉同仁服务,万事都相互效力!我的 counterparts, especially the Chinese American anesthesia community,
we stick together and work wholeheartedly and tirelessly for the
Bulletin. Our experience has testified that these individuals have moved
不论是《教父》的名言,还是马斯洛需求层次理论,都难以成功 forward from the current level and stage of life .
升华繁杂的人生。 Absolutely either the famous saying of "Godfather" or the theory
of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs is difficult in explaining the successful
有一位盲人出门时定要带个手电筒,而且是越大越好,尤其是夜 sublimation of a complicated life, particularly for these professionals
晚需要携带。旁人感到好奇,盲人看不到自己前行的路,亮亮的灯光有 who have served for CASA community .
When a blind person goes out, he must bring a flashlight, the
bigger the better, especially at night . Others are curious, blind people
好似在黑暗中行走的旅途,类似于这位盲人的感觉。但什么可以让人看 can't see the way they are going . What is the use of bright lights? The
见人生的存在和价值呢?就是"爱"的灯光!"爱"是原动力,让我们共 blind man replied that this is to let others see me, others will avoid to
hit me . Life is like a journey in the dark, similar to the feeling of this
blind person . But what can make people see the existence and value of
感谢CASA领导,尤其是汪红主席和我的前任主编曹锡清医生的帮 life? It is the light of "love"! Love is the source of forward-moving life.
助! "Love" let us stay together and make the Bulletin successful!
2019年10月于Orlando, Florida Sincere thanks to the leadership of CASA, especially the help of
Dr. Wang Hong and my predecessor, Dr. Cathy Cao!