Page 2 - The CoISH: Volume 2020
P. 2
the content creation team
This digital creation is being brought to you on behalf of The Content Creation Team (formally know as the ISH Media Club). Together, we took the unique opportunity presented to us in the midst of social distancing, to reimagine our methods of creating the yearbook. As we taught ourselves how to use multiple new and exciting software platforms, we also evolved our thinking around our creation processes and we vow to continually evolve our capacity for content creation. We now view each "limitation" as an invitation for innovation #barz. This digital book creation is only the very beginning of what we will produce. So enjoy, and imagine with us, as we take you on a journey through a
school year like none any of us have ever seen before.
We warmly invite students, staff, and parents to join The Content Creation Team next school year, but only if you are ready to be a part of some extreme awesomeness and outrageous fun. For more information, contact Tech Coach Stokes.