Page 3 - The CoISH: Volume 2020
P. 3
Wow, this has been quite a year. We won't soon forget 2019-
Wow, this has been quite a year. We won't soon forget 2019-
2020!. As Deputy Head, I could not be prouder of our school
2020!. As Deputy Head, I could not be prouder of our school
community, and specifically our students for showing their
community, and specifically our students for showing their
resilience and positivity throughout a year of changes - from
resilience and positivity throughout a year of changes - from
normal operations to distance learning to safety learning.
normal operations to distance learning to safety learning.
All students (aged 4-19) deserve a pat on the back. Please
All students (aged 4-19) deserve a pat on the back. Please
enjoy this virtual celebration of the school year.
enjoy this virtual celebration of the school year.
ffats fo maet