Page 46 - MLD Book
P. 46

must mention three pleasant things to be pleased about so as to send off 2002 on a slightly better note. The first was full blown construction on our big room that would be known as the BACH HAUS! The construction workers, headed by Vince Abell, were stellar people and we got to know them well. Our dog at the time was Luigi Boccherini, as the girls were gone by this time so we again got to name a dog for a classical composer. Bocchi hated the workers as much as we loved them, and used every opportunity to either bark at them or snap at them. He even tried to take a chunk out of a painter’s leg once. But in spite of his supervision, the room got finished. And during the last part of the year, Melvin would stop by the Steiner-Reck organ building to see the progress on our new instrument. They built it all there, and then at the beginning of 2003, dismantled it and brought it to our house.
On a slightly lower excitement level, I was surprised in October with a, appreciation luncheon honoring volunteers for HMCL (now CLCM) for their work, and especially for my longevity on the board. Ben and I had both been officers of that body since the early 80s and had seen many changes, including directors, and lots of growth. I did continue as a board member, mostly as secretary, until the fateful 2012, when suddenly it was assumed that I would no longer represent Calvary in that regard either. Nobody ever said so officially one way or the other and I definitely did not resign. But my intent now is to end 2002 on a positive note!
And finally and foremost, we must note that on September 20, the fifth and last grandchild was born to Michelle and John – Nicole Gabrielle Curley!!! She would be baptized at Calvary in early spring of 2003. And as I write this, she has joined the millions of other high school graduates in 2020 who can’t even have a ceremony because of the Coved19!!! But she has her diploma from Walnut Hills High School.2003
and thankful. It has served as a concert hall, lecture hall, Dinner room, family entertainment center, library, and orchid home for almost 20 years now.
Hauptwerk: Positiv: Pedal Rohrfloete 8' Gedackt 8' Subbass 16' Prinzipal 4. Floete 4' Gemshorn 8' Gemshoernlein 2' Sesquialtera II Choralbass 4' Mixturer III-IV Krummhorn8' Trompete8' Trompete 8' Krummhorn 4'
The room was finished, and the organ arrived shortly after the new year started. It was terribly exciting and we pointed to the grand opening for Bach’s birthday on March 21. We barely made it, with the last voicing being completed the night before! It was a grand party with many of our friends, and we were delighted. Dick Humke blessed the organ, Melvin and I played a duet, and then we enjoyed more organ music and refreshments. Still to this day when I walk into that room, I am impressed, astonished,

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