Page 47 - MLD Book
P. 47

Krummhorn 8'
Couplers: Pos/HW, Pos/Pedal, HW/Pedal; Tremulant
The organ was a godsend for Melvin in his
retirement and
deteriorated, and it’s quite an impressive sight for visitors. One German lady who saw it for the first time exclaimed, Heilige Maria!!!
especially after his
 Calvary went on well with Dick at the helm and the
search committee was hard at work finding the
perfect rector. The food bags reached 2460, a
record for the year. Now, in 2020, after 38 weeks,
we have already handed out 5077!!!! The receptionist that Polk insisted on hiring because he didn’t want people talking to the rest of us was Judy Shively She was consistently dealing with family problems, and finally she had to resign in April and regretfully move to Alabama. I am proud that we as a staff were able to support her while she was at Calvary, and she really hated to leave. The actual process of replacement was not hard because she really didn’t do much, and a system of parish volunteers to answer phone and door began that carried through even the Erdman era.
It was a very hot summer for a number of reasons, the chief being NOT the weather, but rather a very unique person named Lilamani Perera! I mentioned her once before in conjunction with her attempt to sing in the choir, when Iris Gray told her she was WAY OFF and Melvin explained she was not to sing a fifth part in a four part anthem. Lil had emigrated from Sri Lanka to attend Berea College some years before. She somehow landed in Louisville, touted as a sixth generation Episcopalian and used that as a springboard to get lots of perks and financial help from every Bishop she could coerce into it. We learned later that she came from a wealthy family but decided she wanted to live with the poor, so she needed help to do that. One day she called Calvary in a panic because the landlady she had been living with died. She was suddenly homeless and expected us to do something about it.
WE DID! Led by Sandra Cherry, who detailed the whole process for posterity, (in 2003 pile) and who mustered the multitudes in the way only Sandra can do, we were able to present her with a fully furnished apartment at the Puritan on Fourth Street. One man even put up the money for the full year’s rent. More than 40 people responded to specific requests, and material and personal items poured in. Sandra was determined to rid the smell from Lil that she had had for a number of years. That necessitated bodily giving her showers and shaving her in unmentionable places. She evidently had not been used to a bed and slept on the floor instead, and had trouble negotiating things like venetian blinds.
 Lil had moved into her new abode on July 18, and we thought all was set, even with small warning signs like sleeping on the floor and not understanding basic mechanical things or washing hair or hygiene. Sandra’s dictatorial attitude, which was really necessary for her own good, did not sit well with Lil. So after all the trauma of getting the proper paper work,

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