Page 6 - MBUSD Handbook for New Families
P. 6
Too Sick for School?
Keeping children home when they are too sick for
school protects other students and staff from
potential illnesses. Keep your child home until
he/she has remained free of the below symptoms for
a 24-hour period without the use of fever reducing
In addition, students must also be picked up from
school as soon as possible if he/she shows any of
the following symptoms:
• Vomiting and/or diarrhea
• Fever, measured orally of 100.4 F or above Medication at School
• Severe Cold Symptoms Schools rely on the cooperation of parents
• Flu and guardians to safely and effectively
• Conjunctivitis (pinkeye), Scabies, and Strep administer medication to their students at
throat school if that is needed. Parents/guardians
are responsible for:
Written instructions from the student’s • Supplying all medications
physician stating limitations and/or instructions for • Transporting all medications to and
care while at school will be required for the following: from school.
• A student returns to school with a cast, crutch,
or other orthopedic appliance. This form is also available at the school and
• A student returns after a serious illness must be signed by the health care provider
requiring 3 days or more absence from and the parent/guardian, should your child
school, a surgical procedure, or overnight need medication while at school.
• A student is to be excused from physical Allergies
education/playground activities for more than If your student has a severe allergy that is
three days in a row. potentially life threatening, you must inform
the school your child attends. Severe allergies
are serious abnormal reactions of the body
that are potentially life-threatening. Schools
Regular attendance is critical to need documentation of these health
your child’s education. Please do not conditions and necessary treatment to
schedule extended family vacations during effectively care for your student.
school. For an entertaining yet informative
explanation, click here. Other forms that may be required include:
• Asthma Action Plan
• EPIPen Administration
If your child is too sick to attend, it is • Medication at School
important that you call the school’s
attendance line or use the quick report
an absence link on your school website, Emergency Safety Plans
each morning to report your child’s absence. Keeping students and staff safe is a top
If you do not call the school, the school will priority. Each school has a safety plan in
call you to confirm the absence. case of an emergency. The plans can be
found on the district website.