Page 14 - GTI Annual Report 2019
P. 14

Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
                                                                                                                           Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
                                                                                                                           Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
           Safe, Reliable, Resilient                                                                                       Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data

                                                                                                                           Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
           Infrastructure                                                                                                  Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
                                                                                                                           Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
                                                                                                                           Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
                                                                                                                           Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
            A safe, reliable, and resilient infrastructure is critical                                                     Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
                                                                                                                           Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
            to match abundant energy supplies with growing                                                                 Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
            demand to maintain the public’s confidence in the                                                              Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
                                                                                                                           Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
            nation’s energy delivery systems.                                                                              Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
                                                                                                                           Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
                                                                                                                           Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
                                                                                                                           Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
                                                                                                                           Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
            Gas utilities need optimized tools and technologies to effectively                                             Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
            manage and improve day-to-day operations, prevent damage, reduce                                               Much of what we do involves digitizing field data collection and integrating it with geospatial data
            risk, and enhance safety.

            GTI provides information technology and digital
            platform solutions to help utilities automate their
            collection of high-quality data to inform effective                       Tools
            decision making. We are helping increase the                             ---------------
            understanding of infrastructure threats and enabling
            operators to improve the accuracy of inspections,   Collaborating with Esri to develop electronic field
            predict asset performance, and calculate system risk.   data collection forms using Survey123 to streamline
                                                                record-keeping workflow

              GTI is leading collaborative efforts to develop a   Creating Smart Pole Technology that uses automation
              myriad of exciting new tools and techniques for   to increase the quality and consistency of location
              system installations, repairs, and rehabilitation.   data collected using Global Navigation Satellite
              The U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline    System (GNSS) receivers
              and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
              (DOT PHMSA) continues to grant significant                             ---------------
              funding to GTI and Operations Technology
              Development (OTD) to support projects on gas      Developing and commercializing a probe that can
              operations safety. In one example, to more        be inserted inside of a live gas pipeline to map
              effectively locate subsurface utility assets      underground pipes in 3D, provide accurate locations,
              and prevent excavation damage, GTI and 3M         and download data directly to a Geographic
              are optimizing the manufacturing process          Information Systems (GIS) platform
              of intrinsically locatable polyethylene (PE)
              pipe materials for cost-effective large-scale
              production and field-testing the product.

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