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With a New Decade here, it only fitted for us to express to our Fitness Impact family, community, and
loyal followers our commitment and support and provide you with Fitness Impact Expressions, an online
digital magazine that will lead you to the future of wellness. We are here to help you avoid the quick fad
health and wellness fixes orchestrated by so-called fitness gurus and allow you to gain the truth by way
of studies, research, and proven habit-changing health and wellness solutions that are sustainable. We
would like you to see sports performance from a different lens and shift your paradigms and move you
outside the box, and we want fitness to impact your life and become a habit of lifestyle.
Fitness Impact Expressions provides you with a reliable voice, truth, and solutions that will impact your
life and the lives around you. Our focus will be on health and wellness, sports, fitness, and business.
We’ll have our trusted partners, industry leaders, doctors, academic and business professionals,
coaches, and other leaders as solution contributors will provide impactful information that will spring
your health, wellness, and life forward.
Our writings and videos a ten-year-old can understand we have no desire to make this a health
classroom with information and technical jargon that is hard to understand and implement into your
life, to show how smart we are like some guru. It’s simple. We care and have solutions you need to
understand, so progress is the truth.
We are excited to provide you with knowledge while you gain health and wellness and perform, live like
you expect, and deserve to live.
Enjoy Fitness Impact Expressions
Thank you for your trust!
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