Page 7 - The Knot Bible
P. 7

Double Simple Simon                       93     Locking Loop                             135
           Slackline Bend                            94     Slip & Nip Loop                          136
           Jamming Bend                              95     Adjustable Loop                          137
           Adjustable Bend                           96     Hangman’s Knot                           138
           Twin Bowline                              97     Scaffold Knot                            140
           Reeving Line Bend                         98     Spanish Bowline                          141
           Double Reeving Line Bend                  99     Triple Loop Bowline                      142
           Fisherman’s Knot                         100     Double Angler’s Loop                     143
           Double Fisherman’s Knot                  101     Tom Fool’s Knot                          144
           Triple Fisherman’s Knot                  101     Handcuff Knot                            145
           Racking Bend                             102
           Heaving Line Bend                        103     Knots                                  146
           Single Stopper                           104     Overhand Knot                            148
           Sansome Bend                             105     Double Overhand Knot                     149
           Braided Splice                           106     Slipped Overhand Knot                    149
                                                            Figure-Eight Knot                        150
           Loops                                   108      Slipped Figure-Eight Knot                150
           Overhand Loop                             110    Stevedore Knot                           151
           Figure-Eight Loop                         111    Ashley’s Stopper Knot                    152
           Bowline                                  112     Quatrefoil                               154
           Fast Bowline                             114     Cinquefoil                               155
           Tucked Bowline                           115     Reef Knot                                156
           Water Bowline                            116     Heaving Line Knot                        158
           Bowline in the Bight                     117     Martha’s Vineyard Heaving Line Knot      159
           Midshipman’s Loop                        118     Monkey’s Fist                            160
           Angler’s Loop                            119     Monkey’s Paw                             161
           Honda Knot                               120     Sheepshank in the Bight                  162
           Carrick Loop                             121     Sheepshank Tied With Ends                163
           Harness Loop                             122     Sheepshank With Clove Hitch              163
           Double Harness Loop                      123     Yardarm Knot                             164
           Broach Loop                              124     Poldo Tackle                             165
           Peace Knot                               125     Versatackle                              166
           Butterfly Loop                            126     Prusik Bottle Sling                      168
           Eskimo Bowline                           127     Indian Jug Handle                        169
           Braided Loop                             128
           Braided Interlocking Loop                130     Lashings                               170
           Running Bowline                          131     Pole Hitch                               172
           Ichabod Knot                             132     Square Lashing                           174
           Gibbet Knot                              134     Diagonal Lashing                         175
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