Page 14 - Reeds Knot Handbook
P. 14
The boom hitch is an extremely strong knot which is almost
impossible to break. It is useful if you need to attach a rope to
a fixed object and works exceptionally well on rounded rails
and sail booms. If you want to make it easier to untie, it can be
finished with a bight tucked under, rather than the whole line
pulled through, as in Step 5.
When other hitches are inappropriate, or if you are unsure
of which knot to use, the boom hitch is the one to choose overhand Knots and hItches
as it remains solid even in exceptionally wet and windy
An easy way to remember how to tie this knot is to repeat
to yourself:
over / over / over / over and finally tuck.
Repeat Step 2 by taking
the rope behind the
post and back over the
top again to trap the
second loop you made.
Repeat for a third time
and you should see a
weave start to form,
giving the knot its
Pass the rope down
one last time and bring
it up at the front. Feed
it under the loop you
made in Step 2. Pull
both ends to tighten.
Rev_Reeds_Knots_inside pages.indd 13 16/07/2012 23:32