Page 16 - Howard Initiative - The Frederick Legacy
P. 16
Another Excerpt to displays my Academic Writing
“...The Governor General is the ceremonial head of parliament, and the Prime Minister is head of government. “The Senate usually functions as a review chamber, considering bills passed by the House. It may also initiate legislation other than that related to state, finance, taxation etc. The Senate also has the power to delay legislative bills; however such delays may be overridden if a majority in the House passes the bills three times in succession. In regards to constitutional amendments before Parliament, concurrence by the Senate is required. This body is not directly elected. Rather, the Governor General appoints the 21 members of the Senate: 13 on the Prime Minister’s advice and 8 on the Opposition Leader’s advice. Senators do not represent geographical areas or regions. A president and deputy president of the Senate are elected at the first meeting of a newly-appointed Senate, or whenever there is a vacancy” (UNDP 2013 14). The opposition leader is appointed by the Governor General and has a constitutionalized position, that accords him/her a greater level of remuneration than ordinary members of parliament. (UNDP 2013 13).
To revert to the aforementioned point as to why women’s participation is important, studies confirm that women’s empowerment at the parliamentary level, where they can both lead, and participate, at all levels in the political decision-making process, is of seminal importance for Caribbean countries (UN Women 2014). This is based on “...the conviction that women’s equal representation contributes to representative democracy, good governance and sustainable development” (UN Women 2014). In the context of the Caribbean, equality is fundamental to mitigate the inequality and exclusion of a history replete with “continuous and continuing conflicts between
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Concept Brief, Page 16