Page 5 - Howard Initiative - The Frederick Legacy
P. 5
What will our Collaboration require?
My PhD is innovative and proposes to integrate research, theory and technology across diverse Peace Environments for the benefit of varied stakeholders and beneficiaries.
Should Howard University engage with my collaboration such collaboration will create a legacy that
1. Will integrate existing, static Peace Policies and Practices and incorporate evolved, and evolving, practices to efficiently serve citizen-centric Peace Interventions.
2. Will revolutionize current academic approaches to Peace Disciplines and Interventions from ‘static’ and theoretical disciplines that currently rely on reports done at “an instant in time” and do not encompass day-to-day adjustments or follow ups that measure the efficacy of strategies implemented.
3. Will place Howard University on the cutting edge of Research & Practicum as such relates to policies, practices and current Peace (and other) interventions by supporting the transformation of current practices to SfP’s continuous process of intervention
President Frederick, as a Visionary who I hope will support my collaboration request, it should be evident that these proposed modules, particularly the Howard Economic Revitalization Outreach, not only revolutionize academic practices at colleges as they relate to current static models, but propose a paradigm shift which improve several disciplines which require measurements in adequacy, efficiency and citizen/government satisfaction.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Concept Brief, Page 5