Page 3 - Howard Initiative - The Frederick Legacy
P. 3

 What the Focus of my PhD will be...
My PhD proposes a transformative, yet superlatively reliable, multidisciplinary system for diverse environments where socio-economics interventions are central to, and are the focus of, (national) policy and planning for people’s development.
This solution is important for respective target audiences where there is a dearth of information and a commensurate need to develop and implement comprehensive, flexible secure data collections.
A common tenet of Peace Monitoring Interventions is that required individual citizen data, and ensuingly population data, is not readily available and identifying target populations is inadequate.
Reports on peace assessments, population cataloguing, censii, labour force surveys and other citizenry data though critical, are punctuated with various remarks concerning the “validity of citizen identification”. Words like “impute and extrapolate” appear to confirm the practice of “hypothecating” data based on incompleteness in collection, collation and processing of associated atomic datasets.
This gigantic task of establishing, and implementing, systems to harmonize Peace Policies and Practices with purposed and structured measurements of Peace, Poverty and Politics has informed my Systems for Peace (SfP) and will be the focus of my doctorate
Sunday, July 26, 2020
 Concept Brief, Page 3

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