Page 30 - MDS final deliverable
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Centre-based participants and their families are generally satisfied with MDS and feel the staff are a great form of support. These participants will benefit the most from having a variety of activities available, obtaining additional NDIS advice from MDS, as well as being beneficiaries of long-term solution/support for participants.
Centre-based participants place a big emphasis on trust. They want a trusted relationships with their support staff and will only share personal information with people whom they trust. They feel safe when people are honest with them.
They do not hesitate to give instant feedback and tend to ‘say it like it is’. They have usually been participants for a long time and will likely to continue to stay on with MDS as they have established a safe, comfortable and trusted relationship with MDS from over the years.
Centre-based participants are most vulnerable and experience the biggest disruption when something is not going well at home or at the Centre. They are sensitive to harsh words, bullying and noise, and this is exacerbated in an environment with other participants whom may not be similar to them.
Centre-based participants appear to have an affinity and love for art (singing, dancing, performing etc). They have a large dependency on digital technology such as their phones, iPads, televisions and computers. Making friends can be difficult for them and it is a big celebration for their parents when they make a friend.
Most Centre-based participants have a family member caring for them who takes on the full responsibility of applying for NDIS funding as well as making certain decisions for them. The family member may at times tire from shouldering all the responsibilities. One of their biggest concerns is what will happen to the participant when the family is no longer around.
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