Page 31 - MDS final deliverable
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Participants of Pathways to Employment are upbeat and eager to grow and learn. Their families are often somewhat unhappy with the effectiveness of the program, especially with the perceived minimal communication and lack of accountability by the program organisers. These participants will benefit the most from having a learning pathway developed for them which would achieve maximum exposure to real-life, practical work experiences.
The primary motivation of participants in the Pathways to Employment program is to be able to work and live independently. Their journey with MDS may be more transitionary rather than long term. Success to them is when they can find some form of employment and start to build a life for themselves. They are satisfied and happy with MDS services, eager to be social and make new friends.
Some participants feel like they are not learning much since they are put with other participants who may be younger or are on a different learning trajectory from them. Participant families are unhappy with the lack of communication and perceived accountability of MDS staff in relation to this program.
Through the program, families have an expectation that participants will accumulate real life and work related experiences in different environments. The goal is for participants to try as many experiences to discover what they are good at. Families have a desire for the work experience be more rigorous and relevant to the ‘real world’ than it currently is. They want the participant to be independent and make good choices. They have expressed concerns that participants have gained weight from poor food choices and even crossed the road alone when they are not ready to do so independently.
Compared to the other programs, families of participants in Pathways to Employment are less aware of how the NDIS works. They are less sure on how to fully utilise the funding and disability services on offer. They are open to engaging in a forum where they can interact more with other family members as well as MDS staff.
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