Page 37 - MDS final deliverable
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From our research, we have identified five focus areas for MDS :
1. Nurture, retain and further develop the MDS staff and brand image as the unique value proposition to attract and retain customers. Participants and families are overwhelmingly satisfied with MDS and they feel the staff genuinely care about them. Families and participants appreciate the warm, welcoming and friendly environment that differentiates MDS from other providers, which is what attracted them to MDS to begin with.
2. Improve the start of the customer journey so that people are more aware of MDS. In this instance, forming and nurturing the right partnerships will prove beneficial to entice participants and families into MDS.
3. Improve the end of the customer journey to facilitate the renewal process of each participant’s NDIS funding so that they can seamlessly repeat the services of MDS. This could include a pre-planning phase that helps customers know the balance of funding together with an assessment of the participant’s capability/progress so that they can identify future programs for consideration before attending NDIS meetings.
4. Re-design the Pathways to Employment program so that participants gain more value from participating in the program by being further ’stretched’ as well as being more exposed to environments where they are interacting with everyday people.
5. Continuously identify new business opportunities that can lead to additional revenue streams for MDS. Given NDIS and its limited funding opportunities, MDS needs broaden their horizons and identify new and innovative sources of funding. This can be through application of government grants, starting a new social enterprise or creating new profitable business models for their existing programs.
A Simplified Illustration of the Customer Journey
Families and Participants
Engage with MDS
Re-applying for NDIS
Opportunity for improvements