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2017 TOYM Media Night
                                                                Venue: Bottle & Class @ The VIBEenue: Bottle & Class @ The VIBE

                                                                Date 13  April 2017
                                                                Organizing Chairman: EVP Avis Lairganizing Chairman: EVP Avis Lai
                                                                This Media Night is to public 2017 Ten Outstanding Yong 2017 Ten Outstanding Yong
                                                                Malaysian Award which host by JCI Kuala Lumpur Mandarin.alaysian Award which host by JCI Kuala Lumpur Mandarin.
                                                                Special Thanks for the media night sponsor “A Plus Boss” pecial Thanks for the media night sponsor “A Plus Boss”
                                                                s sponsor all the venue and refreshment for the night.ponsor all the venue and refreshment for the night.

                                                                About 150 people attended this media night including those is media night including those
                                                                representative from media press such as Sin Chew Daily, resentative from media press such as Sin Chew Daily,
                                                                ChinaPress, Oriential newspaper, and etc.hinaPress, Oriential newspaper, and etc.
                                                                We also invited ambassador Mr Zheng to have a sharing with e also invited ambassador Mr Zheng to have a sharing with

       Mr Zheng Sharing his experience

                                                                Propaganda ambassador signing ceremony signing ceremony

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