Page 19 - Volume 2 Newsletter
P. 19

A Dream……
                              The weather of Mumbai
                                                                                I am still living in a dream,
                                                                                where you are with me.
                              Most people complain,                             Far from that shriek and scream,
                              Mumbai is way too hot                             which was loudest when you                            Volume 2
                              Others consider it,                               left me.It has been an age,                           2018 - 19
                              A city in a melting pot.                          till date I don’t have the courage.
                              Most people complain,                             To look at you in the sky,
                              Mumbai is way too wet,                            even though I often see you fly.
                              I hate the rain,                                  Why did you go so far?
                              It doesn't allow me to play cricket.              knowing that you were my only star.
                              No one complains                                  No matter I’ve grown,
                              Mumbai is way too cold.                           But why did you leave me alone?
                              I just wonder,                                    But it’s okay you left this cruel
                              How many climates can Mumbai hold?
                                                                                place,coz’ you deserve to live in grace
                                                                                know our distance is wide, But you will
                                                      Lakshya Anuj Sarin        be always by my side.
                                                                6B, CBSE
                                                                                                            Tanya Arora
                                                                                                    12Commerce, CBSE

        Family                                                                                                  “The Civil Code”
        When we think of the word 'family',                                                     The world around me is that of a snail,
        the first thing that comes to our mind is a mom,                                        The slower gender is now the male.
        a dad and children, who are loving and loved.                                           For as long as I can remember,
        That's what we are taught, that 'blood‘                                                 To be the perfect member.
        family is everything. The moment we see a                                               I need an absolute mind,
        family, or,                                                                             When needed is completely blind.
        for instance, our family fight,                                                         To avoid the blissful flaws,
        our faith in humanity dies a little;                                                    And abiding the baseless laws.
        family is supposed to be forever.                                                       For I am the future and the present,
        What we forget is that family                                                           I get to speak only if it is pleasant.
        isn't just your blood relatives,                                                        My thoughts are mild, just faster,
        but people we truly love and connect with.                                              So now I am the slave of my master.
        From an early age, we start making our own                                              The gentler, I get the more I swallow,
        family- full of our dearest friends.                                                    The pride I contain of tomorrow.
        When your own blood family might leave you                                              The snake of the night,
        behind,                                                                                 Is holding tight.
        just remember that,                                                                     Hoping for a morning after,
        that isn't the only family you have.                                                    Only easing on people’s laughter.
                                                                                                The one that everyone deserves,
                                                Tia Ghosh                                       Is the exact came that no one observes.
                                               10A, CBSE                                                                            Faraz Akhtar
                                                                                                                             12Commerce, CBSE

        Conquer your fears…                                                                      Frankie learns a lesson…
        Once a fine sunny day, our family had planned to                      Once upon a time there was a girl called
        go for a picnic to Essel World and Water kingdom.                     Frankie. She did not help anyone and misbehaved. She liked
        It was all going to be thrilling. I was very nervous but also         clothes, high heels and shopping. She went shopping once every
        inquisitive to know what's going to be there as I was                 week. Everyone living near her feared her and that is why she
        going for the first time. We got ready and went.                      got a free membership for the gym, the royal park and the
        Being the youngest, I was leading my whole family. The                swimming pool.
        journey through the boat was awesome, I liked it very                 One day, when she was walking in the park, a lion jumped out
        much.                                                                 from the bushes and ran towards her. She climbed on a tree and
        It was about 10 O' clock when we reached, then we had                 waited for the lion to leave the place, but it did not go. She
        our breakfast and went on. The first ride seemed difficult,           called for help many times, but no one came. After some time,
        but it was cool. I was scared. My father liked each and               some people came and threatened the lion with fire so that it
        everything, so he pushed me in each ride. Then I realized             would run away. Once the lion left the place, she thanked the
        that life is full of unexpected plans. It was always a dream          people who saved her and promised them that she would not be
        to conquer my fears and this was the day.                             bad and mean.
        I proved that I can do everything. Then we returned back              Later, Frankie got to know that the lion was trained by the
        home and I realized that we should stand by our fears and             people who saved her. After that moment Frankie became good
        never fear anything. So, we should do each and everything             and got three medals; one for obedience, one for good conduct
        in our life - be it thriller, adventure or anything else.             and one for punctuality. She never troubled anyone again.
                                                                              Moral: Be good to others and they will be good to you.

                                           Radha Alpesh Muchhala                                                                   Yash Bhatia
                                                         6A, CBSE                                                                    6D, CBSE
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