Page 22 - Volume 2 Newsletter
P. 22

Personalized Learning

                                                                                                                                      Volume 2

                                                                                                                                      2018 - 19

       BILLABOX … futuristic learning for students!
       Introduction of videos has been done to increase the learning potential of our students. We have engaged

       the use of video to increase student motivation, enhance the learning experience, allow students to revisit
       a concept till they attain mastery, allow for deeper learning, give students some autonomy in where and
       when they revisit a concept and/or how many times they revisit a concept. There are real and effective

       learning outcomes possible from the introduction of videos to our learning programme. It has been
       proved that visuals are always interesting and more engaging than reading for most students. Videos can
       help us keep students engaged.

       We have chosen and curated demonstration-friendly videos. Videos give us the benefit of communicating
       facts or demonstrating procedures to assist in mastery learning where a student can view complex
       clinical or mechanical procedures as many times as they need to.

     MENTORSHIP PROGRAMME… teacher training programme!
     As part of the Coordinator and Teacher Professional Development Programme at BHIS, many of our

     teachers have completed the Mentorship Programme. The modules were designed to emphasize the
     importance of learning among ALL students.
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