Page 26 - Aidlink AR 2021
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180 community conversations were held in target communities, sensitising 5,454 (2,629 Male/2,825 Female) people on the negative impact of harmful traditional practices and norms that exclude and discriminate against girls and children with disabilities.
 In 2021, all 28 Aidlink target schools ranked "satisfactory" or above on UNICEF’s Child Friendly Monitoring Tool. In 20 schools (10 Kajiado, 10 Turkana) students received a daily school meal in the last quarter of 2021. Aidlink recognise that school feeding is a critical pull factor leading to improved attendance and retention of children in school.
We trained 1,136 (698 Male/438 Female)
Board of Management (BoM) members on policies and legal frameworks and assisted
28 schools in developing child-centred School Development Plans. Aidlink supported 40 BoM members, from multiple target schools, to participate in a peer-network bi-annual forum, sharing key learning and enhancing the future sustainability of project activities.
In 2021, 40 new Community Facilitators
(20 Kajiado, 20 Turkana) were trained to
work within their own community and lead Community Conversations to challenge negative social norms and practices that exclude or discriminate against girls and children with disabilities. 243 community gatekeepers (114 Kajiado, 120 Turkana) (community leaders who hold a significant degree of influence) were trained to advocate for the rights of children, especially girls
and children with disabilities.
Aidlink Annual Report 2021 | 24
Community Conversation Kajiado, Kenya. Photo credit GCN

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