Page 49 - Aidlink AR 2021
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For the financial year ended 31 December 2021 Continued
Foundations, Trusts, and Corporate Groups, Aidlink continued our engagement with communities in Karamoja through our partnership
with Voluntary Action for
Development. Aidlink re-established programme activities with Caritas MADDO in Masaka district, and
entered into a new partnership with ARUWE, working together to improve access to water for communities
across Uganda. These projects
prepared schools for their reopening following their prolonged closures. •
Key elements of the 2021 programme of work included:
• Expansion of the Kenya Inclusive
Quality Education programme • to 8 new schools (4 in Turkana
& 4 in Kajiado, Kenya) targeting
2,269 children. The school • feeding in November/December
2021 resulted in an increase in
enrolment to 3,437 children (GCN).
• Launch of Every Girl in School
Project in 20 schools (10 in • Turkana & 10 in Kajiado, Kenya) reaching 12,547 children and their families (GCN).
23 girl and disability-f riendly latrine blocks installed in public primary schools (12 Turkana,
11 Kajiado).
16 water tanks (9 Turkana,
7 Kajiado) installed in target schools (GCN).
340 community gatekeepers
(133 female/207 male) trained
to advocate for the rights of children, especially girls and children with disabilities (GCN). Care package introduced in
49 KIQEP schools supported
248 young mothers and pregnant girls return to school following prolonged Covid-19 closures (GCN).
• 3 boreholes Karamoja, Uganda providing 2,144 people access to safer cleaner water closer to their homes (VAD).
• 2 semi-permanent classroom blocks built in Karamoja, Uganda providing a learning space for 900 students (VAD).
• 2 shallow wells providing 1,460 people access to clean water in Masaka, Uganda (Caritas MADDO).
• Aidlink partners advocated
for better policy and services provision for education, access to water and drought mitigation.
• 2 rainwater harvesting tanks providing 2 schools, 1,000 students, with water on site in Masaka, Uganda (Caritas MADDO).
• Drilling and instillation of a borehole and water pump supporting 644 school children in Kyankwanzi, Uganda (ARUWE).
The full extent of the impact of Aidlink’s 2021 programme is yet to be realised. Programme achievements to-date include:
Gender Equality
• 40 Community facilitators were trained (20 Turkana, 20 Kajiado) (GCN).
• 56 Handwashing facilities installed in target schools
(28 Kajiado, 28 Turkana) (GCN).
• 6 handwashing stations installed in 6 Universal Primary Education (UPE) in Masaka, Uganda (Caritas MADDO).
• 2 semi-permanent classrooms built, providing a more child-
f riendly learning environment for 900 students in Karamoja, Uganda (VAD).
• 2 rainwater harvest tanks installed in 2 Universal Primary Education (UPE) schools in Masaka, Uganda (Caritas MADDO).
• 1 borehole drilled and hand pump installed providing water to one primary school with more than 600 students and its community in Kyankwanzi, Uganda (ARUWE).
• 4 community farms established (2 Kajiado, 2 Turkana).
• 3 boreholes drilled and pumps installed in 3 communities in Karamoja, Uganda (VAD).
• 2 shallow wells protected, and hand pump installed providing water to 2 communities in Masaka, Uganda (Caritas MADDO).
Education Emergencies
• 28 primary schools (14 Turkana, 14 Kajiado) supported to create a more child-f riendly and gender-sensitive school for 15,984 students (GCN).
• 44 public primary schools in Kenya supported with school feeding programme in November/ December 2021 reaching over 20,000 students (GCN).
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