Page 54 - Aidlink AR 2021
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For the financial year ended 31 December 2021 Continued
in 2021 and includes the following objectives:
• Secure Irish Aid Civil Society
Scheme funds for Every Girl in
School 2021-2024
• Maintain relationships with FTCs
and deepen funding pools where
• Expand Aidlink’s public reach and
recognition to develop a strong,
diverse pool of supporters
• Continue to strengthen
relationships with our immersion partner schools, all of which have continued to generously support Aidlink throughout the Covid-19 crisis despite immersion programme cancellations.
Organisational structure
Aidlink is governed by a Board
of Directors who are responsible
for providing leadership, setting strategy, and ensuring control. Day to day operations of the organisation are managed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) appointed by the Board.
Two staff members report to the CEO: the Programme Officer with responsibility for partners and programmes and Fundraising and Communications Officer. Aidlink employs the expertise of external consultants where required.
Composition of the Board
The Board must comprise of
between eight and twelve non- executive Directors. During 2021, Aidlink’s Board had 11 serving members, comprised of four women and seven men. Their professional biographies are available on the Aidlink website our-people/. In 2021, the Board met eleven times (2020: nine times) all eleven of these meetings were held virtually with an average attendance of 89% (2020: 95%).
The Directors are committed to maintaining the highest standards of Corporate Governance and believe this is a critical to ensuring the proper operation of Aidlink’s activities. A core element of this policy is to ensure that the company is led by an effective Board and an experienced Chief Executive Officer. The role of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer are separate, and all Directors are independent of the management of Aidlink.
Following approval by the Charities Regulator in February 2021, Aidlink formally adopted a new constitution in April 2021. Aidlink’s Governance Policy was updated in 2021 in line with the principals of The Charities Governance Code as set out by
the Charities Regulatory Authority. Aidlink declared to the Charities Regulator it complies with all sections of the Charities Governance Code in September 2021. Aidlink carries out annual Board and Chief Executive Officer Performance reviews and has a comprehensive
process for reporting management information including monthly management accounts.
Board appointments
Directors are recruited through
a combination of both public advertising and internal networking. Candidates for appointment to the Board are prioritised based on the Board’s requirements for expertise from time to time: for example, in the areas of development, finance, fundraising or governance. It is intended that the Board should comprise of a balance of expertise and disciplines. Directors receive induction training upon selection and are subject to a six-month initial trial before formal appointment.
Directors are expected to serve a minimum term of three years. Under the Constitution of Aidlink, each director is required to submit him
or herself for re-election every three years at the annual general meeting. All Directors may serve a maximum of three, three-year terms.
At least two new Directors are appointed in each rolling three-year period and at least two current Directors step down so as to both maintain continuity and experience and enable the introduction of fresh insights to the Board.
If there are no voluntary retirements from the Board necessary to meet this policy, the Chairman shall nominate the Directors who shall next retire, taking into account the
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