Page 55 - Aidlink AR 2021
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For the financial year ended 31 December 2021 Continued
objectives of this policy. Retiring Directors may be invited to become members of Aidlink, subject to approval by the Board.
Following a targeted recruitment drive, Aishling Lennon, Annet Evera and Eoin Martin were appointed to the Board in September 2021.
Committees of the Board
There is a clear division of roles and responsibilities at Aidlink. The Board retains responsibility for strategy, policy, and control of major decisions under a formal schedule of matters reserved to the Board. The Board delegate authority to the CEO for the day to day management of operations.
Committees of the Board meet at least once per year (for membership of the committees see page
44). Formal Terms of Reference (ToRs) are drafted and agreed
for each subcommittee. Aidlink’s subcommittees and their remit are as follows:
• Audit and Risk Committee (Chaired by Liam Byrne, Treasurer)
The Audit and Risk Committee assists the Board in discharging oversight responsibilities, monitoring risks to the organisation and overseeing the financial reporting process in order to review the transparency, balance, and integrity of Aidlink’s published financial information.
Programme Committee (Chaired by Eoghan Caffrey) The Programme Committee provides guidance and advice on programme strategy.
2021 achievements:
- Oversight of successful proposal submission to Irish Aid and Bank of Ireland Staff Charitable Fund
- Review panel for KIQEP evaluation
- Review and approval of new partner organisation ARUWE, Uganda.
• Fundraising Committee (Chaired by Sean Crowe)
The Fundraising Committee provides direction and leadership on the fundraising strategy.
2021 achievements:
- Updated ToR
- Developed and adopted
Fundraising strategy 2021-2024.
• Communications and Engagement Committee (Chaired by Sean Crowe)
2021 achievements:
- Established December 2021.
Pay policy for senior staff
The Directors consider that the Board of Directors and the CEO, who is not a member of the Board, comprise the key management personnel of Aidlink in charge of
2021 achievements: •
- New ToRs agreed
- New members
- Revised and updated Risk Policy
- New Risk Register developed in line with the Charities Regulator guidance.
• Remuneration and Director Performance Review Committee (Chaired by Gemma Grimes)
The Remuneration and Directors’ Performance Committee manages the remuneration and terms of employment of Aidlink staff. It also reviews Aidlink’s succession management and staff development plans.
2021 Achievements:
- Assisted in recruitment.
• Governance and Nominations Committee (Chaired by Brian Ingarfield)
The Governance and Nominations Committee ensure that the
Board and its committees have the appropriate balance of
skills, experience, independence, and knowledge of the
company to enable them to discharge their respective duties and responsibilities effectively.
2021 achievements:
- Active targeted recruitment plan
- Appointment of 3 new Board members
- Strengthening of subcommittees.
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