Page 57 - Aidlink AR 2021
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For the financial year ended 31 December 2021 Continued
Aidlink is satisfied that no
incidence of fraud or gross financial mismanagement has occurred in respect to Aidlink resources among partners or within the activities organised by the Dublin head office. Partners are externally audited by registered in-country auditors; audit reports and management letters
are examined by Aidlink senior management and the treasurer in line with our financial policy. It is
the current opinion of our partners’ independent auditors that their respective financial statements
give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of each partner. Aidlink
also reviews partners’ financial policies and procedures and holds independent discussions with partners’ financial managers as part of routine monitoring and evaluation processes. Review of partners other donors’ reports and audits provide further security regarding financial management procedures.
Monitoring fundraising is a chief responsibility of all Directors as they are charged with ensuring
the short-term and long-term viability of the company. Aidlink has formally adopted and adheres to the Charities Regulator’s Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public.
Strategic oversight of the Development Programme is a key responsibility of all Directors. The Board are responsible for monitoring partner performance, ensuring programme results are on-track and ensuring expenditure is in line with targets and budgets. The Directors also ensure that throughout the life-cycle of the Development Programme, outcomes continue
to contribute of the organisation’s strategic objectives.
Currently, all schools in Kenya and Uganda are open and functioning. However, there is considerable evidence of the impact of the prolonged school closures due to Covid-19. High enrolment rates
in lower classes mask the lack of reenrolment in higher classes. There is evidence that communities have returned to traditional practices of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and early marriage, and dropout rates of higher classes reflect
this. Aidlink continues to work
with communities, through our partners, to combat these negative practices through both school and community engagement.
The findings from the KIQEP evaluation will contribute to the strategic planning process which began in quarter two of 2022. The evaluation, along with stakeholder
engagement will contribute to informing strategic priorities for the next 4 years. Aidlink’s strategic plan is scheduled to be complete in quarter 3 of this year.
Following a competitive bid process, Aidlink have been awarded €350,000 from The Bank of Ireland Staff Charitable Fund for a one year special project. While all of this grant is restricted funds it will allow Aidlink to broaden our footprint in Kenya and reach a further 4,000 at risk children in new target areas within Turkana and Kajiado.
With the easing of restrictions on international travel, Aidlink held its first in person Monitoring & Evaluation trip in February 2022. Aidlink will return to Monitoring & Evaluation through bi-annual trips and update reports from partners.
Engagement with immersion partner schools is ongoing, currently there are early plans of immersion programmes for early 2023 and 2024 should travel remain possible.
Aidlink’s Walk for Water campaign was revived in 2022 and has been very active with 19 schools participating.
A well-received webinar was held with our Ugandan partners Caritas MADDO and ARUWE and attended by over 20 classes of students.
The Board has approved projections that anticipate a deficit on unrestricted funds of €12,300 for 2022 while maintaining €248,757
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