Page 8 - Aidlink AR 2021
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Thank you to all our partners for your dedication and commitment to our collective effort in supporting communities most in need
 Aidlink works with local partners to support communities in Kenya and Uganda, with a focus on gender equality, education, and sustainable livelihoods. Aidlink empowers communities to take greater control over their lives and livelihoods. Our partners are on the ground, supporting the world’s poorest people and increasing the resilience of marginalised communities.
We have always placed local partnership, and locally designed and managed responses, at the centre of our approach. For almost 40 years, Aidlink has worked through partnership, forging relationships with local organisations and building their capacity to become development leaders. We believe this is the most sustainable and effective
way to bring about lasting and positive change. This proven approach is impactful, pragmatic, and allows for responsiveness and flexibility in times of change.
Through our work with local groups, we harness local knowledge and resources to support communities and encourage local ownership over projects to guarantee sustainability. Together we ensure communities are heard and that solutions support families to take greater control over their lives.
In 2021, we continued working with our key partner in Kenya; Girl Child Network (GCN). In Uganda, we initiated new projects with our longstanding partners Voluntary Action for Development (VAD) and Caritas Maddo, and established a new partnership with Action for Rural Women’s Empowerment (ARUWE). We also formally collaborated with community-based organisations Friends of Lake Turkana (FoLT) and Amani Kibera in
Kenya, and continued our engagement with membership organisations at home and abroad, including PELUM Kenya and Uganda, Dóchas (Irish Association of Non-Governmental Development Organisations), Charities Institute Ireland, The Wheel, the Irish Development Ecuation Association and
 Aidlink Annual Report 2021 | 6
Girl Child Network (GCN) is an independent membership non-government organisation working to empower girls, boys, youth and young women to learn and lead by upholding and advocating for the rights of children and young people in Kenya. GCN’s development programmes are a highly acclaimed for their gender-sensitive and rights-based approach.
Voluntary Action for Development (VAD)
is a non-profit, indigenous, non-government organisation working to improve the livelihoods of poor and disadvantaged communities through the implementation of health, livelihood, education and human rights advocacy programmes in north-eastern Uganda.
Caritas MADDO is the development office of the Diocese of Rakai and Masaka in southwest Uganda. Their work focuses on improving people’s access to sustainable, safe water and sanitation, and improving food security.
Action for Rural Women’s Empowerment (ARUWE) is a not-for-profit indigenous organisation who envision a world where women and girls realise their full rights and dignity; and strive to empower women and girls to manage and participate in their own socio- economic development processes through strengthening community participation, advocacy and service delivery.
Friends of Lake Turkana (FoLT) is a grassroots indigenous organisation that works with and on behalf of communities within the greater Turkana basin, Kenya, to demand collective social, economic, cultural, environmental, and territorial justice.
Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Kenya & Uganda PELUM Kenya is a network of 56 member organisations working to promote agroecological principles and practices through advocacy and policy influence, networking, capacity development, information, and knowledge sharing. PELUM Uganda, with
a membership of 64 local organisations, works to strengthen members’ capacities to build resilience of farming communities.
Irish Networks and Consortia In Ireland, Aidlink is a member of Dóchas - the Irish Association of Non-Governmental Development Organisations, Charities Institute Ireland,
The Wheel, The Irish Development Education Association, and is a founding member of

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