Page 7 - Aidlink AR 2021
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Our Core Values
Respect for Difference
Aidlink is a development organisation, striving to achieve gender equality and tackle poverty in Africa, while also raising awareness of global inequality in Ireland. Founded in 1982, Aidlink was formed by a group of volunteers in Dublin. Almost 40 years later, from a
small HQ in Dublin, Aidlink works through partnering with local, African community- based organisations to collectively deliver our work, empowering people to tackle poverty and catalyse change in Africa.
From the outset, Aidlink was committed to supporting small- scale, local development organisations based in Africa. This unique partnership model has always remained at the core of Aidlink’s work. By listening to the voices of the communities we work with, Aidlink and our partners strive to address the structural causes of inequality and poverty.
Today, Aidlink operates in two programme countries: Kenya and Uganda. Aidlink delivers life-changing education, WASH (water, hygiene and sanitation) and agricultural programmes to the most marginalised and isolated communities.
As Aidlink has adapted through the years, our ultimate goal
has remained the same. We envisage a world where all people, especially women and girls, living in the poorest communities in Africa will be empowered to achieve healthy and fulfilling lives. Aidlink is particularly committed to supporting women and girls and tackling harmful cultural practices that impede on their education, agency, personal choice and basic human rights.
We believe that by putting the furthest behind first – often girls – we can support entire communities’ growth.
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