Page 5 - Aidlink AR 2021
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 Aidlink’s lived values, the impact we are making and how Aidlink is different in its approach to other organisations.
Over the last 40 years, Aidlink has placed local
 Key findings from the evaluation:
Relevance: The project targets heavily disadvantaged communities that are highly vulnerable to humanitarian shocks including drought and food insecurity. The model used was comprehensive, incorporating interventions across four levels: the school, the community, the individual and civil society. Key stakeholders, education officials, students, teachers, Boards of Management (BoM), Community Facilitators (CFs) confirmed its relevance.
Coherence: The project was fully aligned with national and county-level education priorities and plans.
Efficiency: Delivery was timely and efficient. The project over-delivered against its work plan and budget, despite Covid-19 challenges, through effective coordination and planning and low delivery cost.
Effectiveness: Almost all performance indicators
were achieved at output level, demonstrating effective programme management and use of project funds.
Impact: The project delivered strong results at outcome level, with targeted schools assessed as achieving higher rates of re-enrolment post Covid-19 closures than non-project schools. Stakeholders interviewed spoke
of increased enrolment and a gradual shift in attitudes around the value of education.
Sustainability: Project benefits will be sustained, but questions were raised here, particularly the effects
of Covid-19 on school closures and the impact on Rights of the Child clubs (RoC). We will consider if there are ways to strengthen these issues as we currently complete our next 5 year strategy.
partnership and local needs at the core of its approach. The report clearly shows the value of four decades of perfecting this approach, how building strong partnership relationships was key to the delivery of the project’s outcomes and highlights how this was amplified during Covid-19, by applying strong adaptive management techniques.
I work with a highly talented and committed group of people who are involved in Aidlink
as executive, Board and Friends of Aidlink.
We are justifiably proud of Aidlink’s mission, values and achievements. We believe that there are many others whose lives would be enriched by joining the Aidlink family, and who could contribute to our mission. This year we launched the Friends of Aidlink so those people could be included more easily. If you’d like to help, why not become a Friend?
John Lynch
Aidlink Chairperson
   Anne Cleary, CEO Aidlink, meeting schools Board of Management members and community members in Turkana, Kenya. Photo credit GCN
Aidlink Annual Report 2021 | 3

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