Page 3 - Aidlink AR 2021
P. 3

A Message from the Chairperson 2
Who We Are 5
How We Work 6
Flagship Project Kenya 2018-2021 8
Where We Work 10
What We Do 11
2021 Highlights 12
Income & Expenditure 14
Kenya Country Profile & Programmes 16
Programme Overview 18 Gender Equality 21 Education 24 Livelihoods 26 Emergencies 27
Uganda Country Profile & Programmes 29
Programme Overview 30 Livelihoods 31 Education 32
Public Engagement 34
Looking Forward 36
Structure, Governance & Management 40
Governance 40 Aidlink’s Board of Directors 41 Aidlink’s Members 41
Financial Statements 43
             Aidlink Annual Report 2021 | 1

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