Page 4 - Aidlink AR 2021
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 As we reflect on another challenging year, driven by major real-world issues like Covid-19 and accelerating climate change, it is gratifying that Aidlink has succeeded in continuing its mission of supporting those communities who are already the furthest behind, and who are falling further behind.
The challenges are many:
• Raising the necessary funds to make a real difference is a perpetual issue, especially as there are many just causes
• Covid-19 caused school closures in Africa and Ireland, impacting our school’s programmes and preventing our Irish schools having their transformative immersion experiences in Africa
• Climate change means ever more frequent droughts, and then disastrous flooding when the rains eventually arrive
• Rising global food prices exacerbated by the war in Ukraine are severely affecting the livelihoods and food security of people, in particular the marginalised and rural communities in Africa.
However, by remaining true to our principles, adjusting our activities where needed and
with the assistance of our partners, colleagues, supporters and friends, 2021 was a successful year.
Last year we were very gratified that Irish
Aid gave us the largest grant awarded under the Civil Society fund for a three-year period. Aidlink has given decades of support to delivering the Irish government’s overseas aid policies in practice, building a track record
of lasting change and strong relationships in Africa and we see a strong alignment between our strongly held principles and current government policy.
In 2021, we were thrilled to revive programmes in Uganda with existing partners and expand our programmes upon entering a new partnership with a local organisation called ARUWE (Action for Rural Ugandan Women’s Empowerment).
We were delighted to announce this year that Aidlink have been awarded the Bank of Ireland Staff Charitable Fund special flagship project grant of €350,000 for a new ‘Let girls Learn’ project in Kenya, in addition to their support of other Aidlink programmes. We believe that this was because of our passion to make a difference, our deep knowledge of the issues and solutions, our strong and equal partners, and our track record of measurable long-term change.
We also undertook an independent evaluation of our Kenya Inclusive Quality Education Project (KIQEP) 2018 - 2021 delivered in partnership with the Girl Child Network (GCN). The report gave us an independent, expert view on
Aidlink Annual Report 2021 | 2

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