Page 3 - Certificates
P. 3

Certificates are awarded at each level.  Levels 2 to 10 are all hair colouring levels.

  When all 10 levels have been completed   Every level involves some pre bleaching.
 you will receive the Colour Master Certificate.  The hair colour formulas, application details along

                              with the pre-pigmenting video are supplied.

 LEVEL 1                                                           LEVELS 2 TO 10

 Pre-Bleaching                                                       Hair Colouring

 The level 1 certificate is awarded on completion of all   Every level has its own worksheet instructing which colours

 the exercises set on the pre-bleach worksheet.   have to be completed for each level.

 The purpose of the pre-bleach exercises is to learn  You will notice the worksheet only asks you to carry out
 the correct strengths and formulas to remove just the   1 tenth of the full basic range of colours.

 right amount of natural pigments to alter the natural base shades.  However, these colours have to be processed on each of

                the natural base shades. Watch the formulas change as the same

 Keep all your completed testing strips.  colours are used on different natural base shades.
 Once you have completed all the exercises

 on the pre-bleach worksheet you will need to arrange them all  By colouring each natural base shade with all the colours

 on a plain white background and take a single photograph of them all  in the manufacturers range you will learn nearly all
 and email the photograph along with 300 words explaining  there is to learn about hair colour.

 what you have learnt from level 1.  Our aim is follow on training in your own salon

                                                 at your own pace.
 What is the purpose of Pre-bleaching and when would I use it?

 Most hair dyes are carried out on hair with a corresponding base shade.  Remember the same as level 1 keep all your completed testing strips.

 I.e. 6.1 or 6.26 on a natural base shade 6 with 6 % hydrogen peroxide  Once you have completed all the exercises
 will give up to 1 shade lift 9 % however will give 2 shades lift.  on your chosen levels worksheet you will need to arrange them all

 Whereas if you wanted to achieve a 9.1 on a natural base shade   on a plain white background and take a single photograph of them all

 number 6 you would have to pre-bleach the natural base 6   and email the photograph along with 300 words explaining

 to a natural base 9 and only then would you apply a 9.1   what you have learnt from the level you just completed.
 for a successful outcome.

 Please note: Be very careful when it comes to applying ash shades   We wish you every success with your studies
 to pre-bleached hair. Make sure you watch the   and look forward to finally awarding you

 pre-pigmenting video before you begin.  with the Colour Master certificate.
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