Page 24 - World Airshow News Autumn 2024
P. 24

...tHE ItALIAN WAy...

          aspects of Italian culture that extend far beyond a flight dem-  It was no small feat getting the team to North America. With the
          onstration to the very heart of what it means to be Italian.  MB-339PAN not capable of mid-air refueling, the route from Italy
                                                               included stops in the Netherlands, England, Iceland, and Green-
          tHE 2024 NORtH AmERICAN tOuR                         land before finally reaching Canada. Once in North America, the
            Despite the Frecce Tricolori’s worldwide renown, it had   tour included performances at ten airshows in the United States
          been more than 32 years since they had brought their uniquely   and Canada and 16 additional flights over cities from Los Angeles
          Italian combination of passion and precision to the skies over   to New York and Washington, D.C. Every member of the Frecce
          North America. In 2024, the Frecce Tricolori finally returned   Tricolori and the Italian Air Force that I spoke with was keen to
          to the United States and Canada – and the team could not have   emphasize that a tour of this size demanded the cooperation of not
          been happier. As Lt. Col. Salvatore told me, returning to North   just the Frecce Tricolori team itself, but also numerous personnel
          America is “living the dream,” as many current team members   and assets of the Italian Air Force. It was a huge source of pride for
          grew up seeing the pictures from the team’s last visit to North   all involved not just to show the team’s spectacular demonstration
          America in 1992 and longed to be the ones to return.  to North American audiences, but also to demonstrate to its allies
            According to Col. Stefano Pietropaoli  of the Italian Air   in the United States and Canada the Italian Air Force’s capacity to
          Force, the commanding officer in charge of the entire North   negotiate the complex logistical requirements necessary to execute
          American Tour, the genesis of the return began in earnest in   such an operation.
          2023 as the Italian Air Force celebrated its 100th Anniversary.
          To honor this milestone, the Frecce Tricolori performed all   tHE ItALIAN FLAIR FOR pERFORmANCE
          over Italy, flying an airshow and a flyover in each of the coun-  In the spirit of friendly cooperation, the Frecce Tricolori were
          try’s regions. At the conclusion of 2023, the Italian Air Force   eager to share their experiences with their North American coun-
          was looking for a way to carry the excitement and accomplish-  terparts, the Snowbirds, the Blue Angels, and the Thunderbirds.
          ment of these celebrations forward into 2024. Then, says Col.   While the Snowbirds have adopted a performance style that has
          Pietropaoli, the team received an official request from the Roy-  much in common with European jet demonstration teams, the dif-
          al Canadian Air Force (RCAF) for the Frecce Tricolori to visit   ferences between the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds and the Frecce
          Canada to help the RCAF celebrate its 100th Anniversary. By   Tricolori are stark.
          that time, the Italian Air Force and the Frecce Tricolori had   So, how do the Frecce Tricolori view the differences between
          already been testing the waters by attending the ICAS Con-  them and the American teams? Lt. Col. Salvatore said that, in the
          vention in Las Vegas and had received further solicitations to   United States, emphasis is on the power and technology of the air-
          perform in North America.                            craft. The American teams focus their displays around high perfor-
            With these invitations in hand, Col. Pietropaoli began to   mance passes down the show line, often using full afterburner. The
          form a plan. The motivations were many. Of course, there were   Italian team, by contrast, draws on an essentially unbroken tradi-
          the dual milestones of the Royal Canadian Air Force’s 100th   tion extending back 65 years in which the emphasis is on tradition-
          Anniversary and the 75th Anniversary of the North Atlantic   al aerobatics, with an eye toward the Italian flair for performance.
          Treaty Organization (NATO), but Col. Pietropaoli made it a   Unlike the American teams, where many of the passes are in-
          point to say that a big part of the team’s visit was to honor the   terchangeable in the show timeline, Lt. Col. Salvatore noted that
          many Italian immigrants living in North America. The tour   the Frecce Tricolori perform their routine as one continuous pass,
          was, as Col. Pietropaoli said, “a thank you to our friends in the   with all rejoins occurring right in front of the audience. Lt. Col.
          United States and Canada,” honoring the deep Italian heritage   Salvatore emphasized that their routine must be performed as one
          there and the long history between the nations as allies and   continuous sequence. It is impossible to extract a single maneuver
          as fellow NATO members. The reception was overwhelming.   from the middle of the routine and place it in the beginning, for
          Col. Pietropaoli was very impressed at the many Italian Amer-  example.
          icans and Canadians who turned out for their flyovers, enthu-  When I asked about the exceptionally rapid rejoins the team
          siastically greeting the team waving Italian flags and singing   performs, Lt. Col. Salvatore said that this was perhaps the least no-
          along to the Italian National Anthem.                ticed, but most difficult and important part of the show. With ten

                           One of the exciting
                       crossover maneuvers the
                        Frecce Tricolori performs
                          during their airshow
                        routine (photo by Steve

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