Page 115 - Complete First B2 (third edition) Student Book
P. 115

Speaking Part 1                                              /P/ Pronunciation: linking (1)
                                                                      To speak fluently,speakers often
          Page 204 Speaking Bank                                      •  do not pronounce the last consonant of a word.
          Speaking Part 1
                                                                         This often happens if the word ends in two
                                                                         consonants, Monday or if it is a short
                                                                         word ending in ‘ t’.
          • Practise by working in small groups, asking and              do not pronounce the final ‘ t’ of negatives such
            answering questions about your personal life and          •
                                                                         as didn’t,couldn’t, etc. when the main verb
            interests. Make sure you choose topics that involve          begins with a consonant.
            using a range of phrases.
                                                                      •  linkthe last consonant of the word to the word
          • Don’t go to the exam with memorised answers, as you          which follows when it begins with a vowel.
            will lose marks for not responding naturally. However,    Listen to these example sentences.
            you can prepare by thinking about the vocabulary to       I saw them last week.
            describe your life, your studies or work,the
            neighbourhood where you live, etc.    §J                  I couldn’t find my trainers.
          • Look at the examiner while you’re speaking (              I like eating and talking.
                                                                      I don’t often buy clothes and shoes.
            and try to sound confident.
                                                                      Look at and listen to Irene’s answer to question 2
                                                                      in Speaking Exercise 1and notice how she:
            Read these Speaking Part 1questions and note down a
            few ideas you could use to answer each of them. (Do not   •  does not pronounce the crossed out letters
            write complete sentences.)                                •  joins the words indicated with .
            1 What things do you enjoy spending money on?             I thinkjt really depends on eachjndividual and
            2 What do teenagers in your country typically spend       what they’re into.I know people used to say girls
               their money on?                                        spend more moneyjDn clothes,while boys spend
            3 Do you have a favourite shop? (Tell us about it.)       morej )n technology,butthisjsn’t the casejn reality.
            4 Is there anything you’d like to buy but can’t afford?   I actually think both boysjand girlsjrften spend
               (Why would you like to buy it?)                        moneyjDn going out to places_and havinga good        PDF from
                                                                      time with friends.
            Read the descriptions of how some exam candidates
            answer Part 1questions. Then listen to Peter and Irene    Work in pairs. Take turns to read the answer in
            answering the questions in Exercise 1and match the        Exercise 2 aloud, sentence by sentence, in the
            candidates with these descriptions of the strategies      same way.
            they use. Write P (Peter), I (Irene) or B (both).
                                                                      Look at Peter’s answer to question 3 in Speaking
            1 This person is not sure how to answer a                 Exercise 1and:
               question at first,but then gives quite a long,
               complete answer.                                       •  cross out the final consonants you think he won’t
            2 This person gives lots of other information                pronounce  _
               about themselves while they give reasons               •  mark with a the words you think he willlink.
               for their answer.                                      Then listen to check your answers.
            3 This person gives other information about               Hmm, I’d haveto think, because I’m not too keen
               themselves as background before they
               answer a question.                                     on shoppingactually. Urn,there is one shop I really
                                                                      enjoy going to.It’s one of a chain of sports shops
            4 In answerto a question, this person gives
               two alternative answers as well as a                   and what I really like about it is just to wander round
               combined answer.                                       and see all the clothes and equipment they sell.I
                                                                      see things for sports l don’t do but I’d like to try, and
            Choose three questions from Exercise 1and think how       that gives me the idea that one day I could try the
            you will answer them. Use the strategies in Exercise 2.   sport, when I can afford the clothes and equipment,
            •  When you are ready, work with a partner and take       I mean.
               turns to ask and answer the questions you have
            •  While you are listening to your partner, for each
               answer, decide which strategy they are using and how
               successfully they are able to use it.

                                                                                                 Spend , spend , spend
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